I'm a fan of story books, as are my boys. We've always read a bedtime story (from about 4 months when routine was all in place) so proper good old fashioned fairy tales are excellent. You can get them in board book form with touchy feely bits in them. We have Three Little pigs, Goldilocks, Red Riding Hood, jack and the Beanstalk and the Enormous Turnip lol.
Old bear stories are also a favourite. They're quite rare now...took us ages to find them.
We're Going on a Bear Hunt is one of Earl's favourites although he's getting a bit old for it now - he knows it by heart lol.
Winnie the Pooh is also high on the list.
When he was younger we had a lot of Maisie Mouse, That's not my ......, Thomas books, and I used to go to charity shops in town where they do 3 for 99p so we have lots of random ones like Scruffy Teddy.