Hi ladies so iv been ttc for 8 months now and iv been to the dr a bunch of times due to irregular periods and mid cycle spotting. Have been referred to a fertility specialist with possible PCOS, Well I started taking Vitex 5 weeks ago on cd 44 well got my period a few days after it was shorter then normal 3-4 days and half of that was spotting well now Im cd 26 and iv been spotting for the last week like from light red to brown and sometimes stops for a couple hours before starting again. It way to light for me to think its my period but I just realised Im cd 26 so maybe it is? Iv never spotted this long before? My cycles have been 40 plus days each since ttc so was assuming this would be the same. Was going to go back to the dr if this spotting doesnt stop in the next day or too but now Im really confused should I consider this a period?