Usually the recommendation is no shoes at all until walking independently, unless you really need shoes to protect their feet (when outside on rough surfaces, I guess?). My daughter was cruising from 8 months, but didn't walk until 15 months and we didn't put her in shoes at all during that time. We just kept her up off anything that could be sharp (there's really no need for them to be cruising around in their bare feet in gravel) and during the winter, we layered her feet up in socks with nappy bags tied over each foot and another sock, which kept her warm and dry outside. You can also get baby moccasins, but they're harder to clean if they'll be on the ground in mud. Socks did the trick. We put her in soft cruising shoes when she did start to walk at 15 months, by then she was a size 4, and she stayed in those for a further 3 months until she was ready to go up a size. It was recommended to us to keep them in nothing as long as possible (I didn't find it was hard, sure beats wasting money on shoes you don't need) and then soft flexible cruisers for at least 6 weeks after walking independently. We kept her in longer just because she didn't need to move up a size for longer, but by then it was easy to find hard soled shoes that would fit.