what would you do?


my 3 boys in avatar. x
Mar 23, 2009
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my 4yr old is being picked on at school - it started off with 1 kid following my son round playground - we told son to ignore kid or see if he just wanted to play etc. heard no more on it. few weeks late said kid called my son names, again we said to igore him as they had become friends.

well tthe above ha resulted in my son being hit, kicked, having his glasses stolen, broken and hit into his face!

the day he came home with a black eye i spoke to te mother and told her i was going up the school about it on monday. mother was fine etc. i kept son off school on the monday saw head teacher who said it would be sorted. son went back on tues and the kid hit/kicked n bit my son infront of a teacher as he had told on him. the school sorted it and informed me and kids mother about what had happened and said they would keep them apart.

this has been fiine for 2weeks now. until yesterday when said kid told another to hit my son in the face with a lunch box!!! he had red marks on both cheek bones where his glasses hit him. as i was still on school premises i went in and wanted to know what was going on. there was nothing in first aid book even though son said he told dinner lady, who told him to stop telling tales!!!

the school told me the marks are where his glasses are too small for him and have rubbed - if so WHY hasnt he got these marks every day???

i am sooooo annoyed with the school as they are meant to be anti-bullying. son told me he doesnt want to go to school as he is fed up of being picked on.

what do i do? what would you do?

i have rung the only other 2 schools in area, 1 has no spaces for either yr and 1 has no space in reception. (if i put 4yr old in another school 7yr old got to go as well as i cant get 2 kids to 2 different schools at same time.)
OMG! That's disgraceful, how can they say it's from his glasses when they have seen previously what this child has done to your son :(

I would just keep being persistent, is it just one boy that's doing it or a group of them?

I can't believe they don't even seem particularly bothered about the situation!
That is awful. If the school wont co operate I would take it to the educational board hun x
1 lad was doing it, but the school seperated them, he is now telling another kid to do it.

i have spent today on the phone, there is no school within 2miles that has vacancies, i dont drive and therefore i cant get him to another school. plus with another school i need a space for 7yr old as well - cant get 2 kids to 2 different schools at same time!

the school say they will deal with it, speak to the kids, they agree to be nice to each other or stay away from each other - school are happy as problem solved (for that day!)

as my son said yesterday "why do i tell a dinner lady/teacher when i am told to stop telling tales or play play nicely". he then on went on to say "that no-one believes he is being picked on". it had me in tears i tell you.

i am awaiting a call for the attendance dept of education team, as i rang them but lady was in a meeting. and i cant get hold of Local Education Authority (numbers dont exist that are on local gov website!!!)
hi honey i totally feel for you. my daughter is suffering with bullying and i took her out of school for the moment(i have a thread on here that explains all). we have call the police and still her school are not taking it seriously. she has exams at the moment and my husband has to sit in exam room with her. i cant handle the fact that the school wont take it on board that her health is suffering. your poor little boy i cant believe his school did nothing when he has been attacked. i have been told to go above the school as they can be done for not taking the situation seriously. this probably has not helped but just wanted to say that i totally understand how you feel and my thoughts are with you honey x sylvia x
It infuriates me that they think he is lying! Why would a child lie about that
Grr.. There's not a lot i have to say, but there's not much you can really do apart from rely on the school to get it sorted.

I hope everything works out okay for you :hugs:
thanks ladies.

i was told by a TA (friend) at another school at age 4 (hes 5 end aug!) he doesnt know how to lie yet, 4yr olds tell it like it is - when him and another lad collided accidently in playground their heads met - both kids said the other head-butted them - which to a 4yr old is how they see it!

i am very close to pulling 4yr old out and home schooling until i can get him in elsewhere or we get the move (which ever happens 1st).
This is heartbreaking to read. At 4 years old this is absolutely disgusting that he is being repeatedly abused by another child. Schools have a duty of care to the children they care for. I have a daughter in reception ad a son in year 1 both are July babies so are vertually the youngest in their years, the trouble I had was they were only allowed to stay in the mornings when they first started which made it hard for them with the older children forming their groups. I must admit I made a nuisance of myself to ensure that my children werent upset at school and it worked, if I heard a single thing that I didnt like I would be up the school like a shot, firstly to the teacher and if I didnt feel satisfied I went straight to the head mistress. They are both very happy, love school and have made nice friends now but I did have a few tears from both of them at some point which was the hardest thing in the world. You send your children to school with the faith that they will be cared for the same way as they are at home with you, you dont epect anyone to inflict pain and suffering on them.

In your case if you find your son being repeatedly hurt and the school is continuing to be totally useless it would be worth contacting the police, although they cant do a great deal they could do something, perhaps make a visit to the boys home to meet with the parents and issue a warning to them. Also make a nuisance of yourself at the school, insist that your son is watched and that every member of staff that at some point during the school day has care of your child has knowledge of the situation so that if your son does go to them then they deal with it rather than him being brushed off.
This is the begining of a very long school career, he really doesnt need such a bad start as this if left could end up affecting him in the future.
I really hope this gets sorted for your son so that he can be a happy little boy and enjoy school while he can x

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