Hi girls I am on CD 5 done with AF it was short and sweet LMAO Anyway This Thursday I will be going to a fertility specialist to talk. She can give me clomid. I am thinking of getting 50mg for next cycle. I ovulate its to help my DH sperm get to more targets. He will NOT get tested yet we keep talking about it and he still is saying NO. I said why what are you scared of he said its only 6 months we are trying, he will not do anything for a year. I said well I guess you dont want moe kids, He said DID YOU HERE ME SAY THAT? I said no he said well I want more. I want 3 he knows that so he said you are driving me crazy with #2 forget 3 LMAO I said stoppppp So we will have 3 just in time I will let you all know how I make Out Thursday.