This is going to be really harsh here goes:
...I cannot stand when ppl do text talk. Let me be clear here by saying text talk is NOT short form, not spelling mistakes (I do this a lot). It is clearly ppl who spell words wrong ON PURPOSE WHYY???? FU*K its annoying and you sound like ldiots who can't even spell your name right!! Some of you seem like very smart girls why talk like an idiot?? seriously man it really makes you girls sound like morons.
...I cannot stand when ppl do text talk. Let me be clear here by saying text talk is NOT short form, not spelling mistakes (I do this a lot). It is clearly ppl who spell words wrong ON PURPOSE WHYY???? FU*K its annoying and you sound like ldiots who can't even spell your name right!! Some of you seem like very smart girls why talk like an idiot?? seriously man it really makes you girls sound like morons.