Why do some women go overdue?


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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There must be some kind of science behind this as I've had two babies born pretty much two weeks late and I know my dates are right. Is it because I'm tall and they have a lot of room? I also don't grow big babies considering they are so late. Do some women just need that extra bit of growing time? I'm wondering if it's going to be a case of another overdue baby.
That is a very good question im the same as u my babies arent huge and i go overdue aswell x
I have a theory that's probably wrong haha but it's my theory...my sister in law and I both had our last babies at 36 weeks...my niece had to be in nicu for over a week even after being given a steroid shot, her lungs were just not developed enough, my baby was totally fine and had no breathing/lung problems. They were both the same weight minus an oz or 2. She has always had to have cesareans because she has a brain thing that could kill her if she went naturally but they've never had to take her babies until after 38 weeks with the exception of this one because she was having complications with the brain thing, anyhow I had discussed this weird idea with my doctor at the time and he basically said that just the same way some women have shorter heavier cycles and some have longer ones, some women "bake" their babies in shorter amounts of times than others, this makes sense to me as it just seems like there is a pattern with women who tend to go early and the same with women who tend to go late...sorry I know there's not much "science" and I guess it's not technically my theory ;) but it makes sense to me.
Science has tried to find the answer to this question for a long time. We're still not really sure what even triggers labor. My friend was asking this question the other day too. Her first was induced 12 days late and her 2nd is now 9 days late. I agree it's not always true overdue babies are big. My sister had a c-section 12 days over due and her baby was only 6lbs. I think in some cases it could just be a wrong EDD. The dates can be off 2 weeks on either side so if you naturally ovulate late in your cycle your actual due date may not even be until 1-2 weeks after your EDD. I also think some babies may just biologically need a little extra time to cook. It's probably a combination of things.
It's also weird when I was having my second my midwife was adamant I would be late again and she was right. I know first babies are often late but for her to be so convinced About my second I don't know why. I haven't seen her recently but I'm going to ask her about it. I'm guessing this one will be the same, I'm a bit thrown off as my others were boys and this is a girl but I think it will be the same?
My mum had to be induced with my brothers, she had 2 at 43 weeks, 1 at 42 weeks. Her waters broke with me so labour started on its own (although I think she had some help to get labour going after that) but she was a week or so overdue. She's only 5ft 1 and we were all fair sizes (7.5 - 10lbs), her body just liked baking babies I think :haha:. I had my 1st at 4 weeks, 2nd at 41 weeks spontaneous labour, but apparently girls are more likely to come spontaneously- boys are lazy :haha:. I asked my previous MW why some people seem predisposed to go overdue and she said no one knows, although there does seem to be a genetic link; if your mother (and other female relatives) went overdue you're more likely to.
I believe there was an article in the new scientist recently linking gestational length to height of the mother so could be one explanation! I believe I went over as my baby was breech- a bum doesn't have the same dilating power as a hard head.
I agree with what jlw said....I too think some women just cook the babies faster than others. My son came at 38 weeks and 3 days and my midwife is sure this one will come early too.
I believe there was an article in the new scientist recently linking gestational length to height of the mother so could be one explanation! I believe I went over as my baby was breech- a bum doesn't have the same dilating power as a hard head.

Hmmm interesting, I just found out today that my older brother who was also my moms 1st baby was supposed to be a Halloween baby but his bday is oct 8th, which means he came about 3 weeks early! Anyhow I'm only 5 ft and my mom is only a couple inches taller than me...
There's another theory out there that it has something to do with the metabolism of the mother. Don't have the details off the top of my mind, but when i was reading it it did sound interesting.
Ok this is weird! I just googled and there are actual several credible studies that link the height of mothers directly related to how long they carry their babies...which makes total sense for me as I'm only 5 ft and have gone early with both my babies, I'm sure there are obvious exceptions but I had never heard of this before! I do still believe though that some women "bake" babies at quicker rates as the articles I read only mentioned that shorter women are at risk for smaller preterm babies which is true for me however many preterm babies need help in the beginning and that is not true for me.
Interesting question' I've had 2 overdue babies so far (induced at 41+4 and 41+6, both born the day after) In my case I think the 12 week scan does always date me slightly earlier than my conception date would (I have a good idea of what it was for all 3 of my pregnancies) but also I think I just cook them for longer! I do have longish cycles (35 days is average) and am quite tall at 5'7" so there could be something in that. I do have large babies (both 9 pounders) but so did my mum (I was 11lbs 4oz 2 weeks late, my sister 9lbs 4oz a few days early)
Hiya interesting thread!

My first was born the day before his EDD (8lbs 12oz)and my second was born 11days after his EDD (10lbs6oz) I am 5ft 4in so what theory do I fall into?

P.s both babies were boys if that makes any difference!lol
Everyone else being well, labour tends to be triggered by the maturation of baby's lungs. When babies lungs are matured, baby sends out a chemical through the umbilical cord to mum and that triggers all the labour hormones like prostaglandin and oxytocin to start ramping up and this is what starts labour. But unlike other animals, humans don't have an exact gestation. Some animals, like pigs I think have very specific gestations (3 months, 3 weeks and 3 days, exactly), but for humans it's really variable. So there is no reason that one person goes at 38 weeks and another goes at 42 weeks other than one baby's lungs needed extra time to mature and trigger the start of labour. Now this is all other things being equal, like no infection (as vaginal, uterine and urinary infections can trigger labour, more because your body perceives a threat to baby and it may be safer for baby to be on the outside than on the inside, even if the lungs aren't totally ready), or no premature rupture of membranes because sometimes membranes can break for reasons other than labour beginning. So really it is just that some babies need longer time to finish maturing and start up labour than others, though sometimes it is because something else is happening, like an infection, etc. Whether that tends to be genetic or not, who knows. My mum had me naturally on the earlier side (around 38 weeks) and I had my daughter naturally at 37 weeks. It could just be coincidental or it could be partly explained by genetics.

But the reason why so many mums go overdue is actually probably because how we calculate due dates is wrong. The formula for calculating due dates that everyone still uses is very old and based on the Bible, not necessarily on medical science. Using more up to date formulas actually adds 10 days to your due date, which makes sense because most first babies, left alone to be born when their ready, tend to come on average about a week or so after their due date. So they may not be "late" at all, but right on time, just that we're counting wrong. There are some interesting articles out there on it if you have a google for them.
I'm 5'9 and my baby was a week early so height can't be everything. In the animal world often babies are born when mums are comfortable and relaxed, I wonder if there's something to do with the level of adrenaline of mum. I was totally chilled about having her and she came early, lots of people I know who have been stressed about it have been late?? Just a theory.
Such an interesting thread!

I figured it was just down to babies development and how no baby is exactly the same. The same as babies learn to roll, sit and walk at slightly different times. Some are just ready to be born sooner than others.
I'm 5'9" and all my babies have come early so that theory doesn't ring true in my case.
In my expierience all my friends who drive go overdue, the ones who walk alot from day one of pregnancy go early or on time.
Hollys I would agree with that too. I feel like the more active you are throughout your pregnancy the more likely you are to go early or on time.
Inaccurate dates, some women take longer to grow babies and there's a theory that it's to do with the point your metabolism can no longer support the needs of the baby. I find it very interesting!

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