good luck, I hope that will induce ovulation naturally. Would you be willing to be presribed clomid if it doesn't?
Our problem is morphology at 6%. First sample was 4% and lowish count at 18mil. It went up to 29mil 3 months later. We are now waiting for 3rd SA in September. As far as we know, I am ok, but for getting old (40 in nov). After the first SA and the FS saying that chances for natural conception was very low (despite having fallen pg naturally once) and that because of my age, we should consider icsi asap, we thought that was the only route. After the 2nd sample and FS being more optimistic, we decided to ttc until 3rd sample. Since then, I think both OH and I are in the position that we would prefer trying naturally as the chance of a bfp with ivf are so low because of my age and we would have to pay for since I have kids from a previous relationship. So unless the 3rd result has gone back down again, we will continue to ttc naturally and just hope that fate has in store to make my lovely OH a dad as he so deserve to be.