WTTC after miscarriage


3 Gorgeous Boys!
May 21, 2008
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Hey everyone...

Just had a miscarriage on the 15th of September...
I was 9 weeks 4 days along - been the roughest weekend of my life. And my husbands too...

Not sure how long we'll be waiting - I'm nervous about getting pregnant again - although most women (80% of women) have a normal 2nd pregnancy after miscarriage..

Just thought I'd introduce myself.
I am so very sorry for your loss. :hugs:
So sorry hun.

I am in a similar situation. Just had my 2nd mc (both at 6 weeks) so sitting out this month.

I went to the Dr the other day...

She said that they suggest waiting 6 MONTHS after a miscarriage to try again.

Has anyone else heard of this long of a wait to try again?
Especially when I haven't needed a D&C, or any medication, or anything... There were no complications and this was a natural miscarriage?

So frustrating.

I think OH & I are going to be trying once I have 1-2 normal cycles...
I don't want to wait 6 months to try for another bub...
I wanted this one and it was stolen from us... why should we have to wait that long?
Doesn't make sense to me...

I am so very sorry to hear about your loss.

I m/c in January at 9 weeks and I was told by my midwife to wait 3 months. Like you, I thought this was way too long but tbh, any sooner, I would not have been ready mentally or physically.

It is up to you to decide when you are both ready xxx
Im so sorry about your loss =(. I hope and pray that you get pregnant again soon.
Hey hun. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I had a MMC at the end of August and had to have a D&C and was told by my doctor that realistically I could try after one cycle and that I should not get pregnant before my first cycle at least. So it is odd how every doctor says something different. I am just as confused as you are about when to start trying again. I'm not so sure that there is really a RIGHT time though. Just what is right for you. If you are ready to get back out there and try again I think you should go with your heart. I wish you good luck! :hugs: If you need someone to talk with sometime just PM me, I know how hard all this can be.
I totally want to get pregnant again!!!
I don't want to wait anymore!
I want to try again!
:( :( :(
I dont have any wise worse or advice im afraid but just wanted to say im sorry for ur loss it must still be very raw and painfull. Best wishes:hug:
heya.. totally know what you are going through.. i had 3rd miscarriage on 10th sept.. twins at ten weeks which just sucks big time! It has been a hell of a time for us and it doesnt get easier.. i'm now desperate for the witch so we can ttc properly... the waiting is a nightmare as we just want to get on with it.....
I am agreeing with you on that Doc. I am just lately getting SOOOO sick of waiting. I feel like my life revolves around wanting a baby now. It just consumes me. I feel like we are in this "secret club" of women that only we can really understand what it is like. :hissy:
I totally agree with the both of you.

I had my blood work done last week...and then again this week.
Last week it was at 320 - so at least that's pretty much back to normal.

I'm sure it'll be 0 or very close to 0 this time around.

*sigh* Waiting on freaking :witch: for us too...
Can't wait till she comes so we can try again.

Best of luck to both you Doc & Cleckner.
Cleckner and krockwell
I know it just sucks right?! Well good news today though girls.. af has come (early i think) so i'm really pleased i can move on a bit and start to think about ttc this month which i am ecstatic about! of course there are no guarantees that we will concieve again quickly i know that we can try again and look towards the future and think abou the whole ttc thing rather than mulling over the mc.

There is this whole raft of women going through all this stuff.. blokes i think are a bit oblivious to it.. but thank god for the solidarity that everyone shows here!!! Makes a refreshing change from some of the reactions from my so called friends and well meaning but mad women who undermine others in our situation...together we are stronger!!

Thanks for your messages of support...
krockwell- hope the levels get down asap and the af arrives..
cleckner- let it all out here to help you get through it- anything goes here so just try to express how you are feeling and we'll help you through it..you arent alone...

got finger crossed for both of you.. let me know what you are up to and when you are ttc again...
Well, I've started up my TTC Journal again...
I figure :witch: will arrive in the next week and a bit - so I'm getting ready to being my TTC journey again.

My Dr said we should wait 6 months, but I think that's bogus... considering both Hubs and I are in perfect health (aside from the flu right now though ugh)

AND We're ready to try again - despite our loss...we both feel very ready.
Onto TTC!!
See you guys there!
can I just give you a hug? :hugs: I would love to see a new ticker from you soon. I just made a special prayer for you and I have a feeling that everything is gonna be alright from now on. have faith ! you both are healthy I am sure you are gonna have a healthy baby very soon . I know a lady that got pregnant 2 months after her miscarriage...but everyone is different you will know when the time is right once you see your cycles normal then you should try ....I am sending lots and lots of babydust ....since I dont quite need it yet :dust:
I would just like to add that my doctor told me that it is safe to conceive again after my bhcg levels are at zero. This took about a month.

We are now waiting for a little bit longer though, due to a catscan booked in October. Would hardly want a glow in the dark baby, now would I?

I think that your doctor was perhaps a little confused maybe? Perhaps he/she meant six weeks? Check again hun.
Well, I've started up my TTC Journal again...
I figure :witch: will arrive in the next week and a bit - so I'm getting ready to being my TTC journey again.

My Dr said we should wait 6 months, but I think that's bogus... considering both Hubs and I are in perfect health (aside from the flu right now though ugh)

AND We're ready to try again - despite our loss...we both feel very ready.
Onto TTC!!
See you guys there!

Hiya hun

Sorry for your loss :hugs:

6 months???!! I think your doctor must be living in the darkages to suggest you should wait for this long!

He probably just said this to allow you time to recover emotionally from your loss, but if you feel like you are ready to try sooner then there is NO MEDICAL reason why you shouldn't

I am under the care of a fabulous consultant who I trust with my life (he's already saved it once actually)
I had a later loss with complications delivering the placenta which meant I needed a major blood transfusion & he advised me that although the recommended time was 3 months, I only needed to wait for 1 period before trying again as long as I felt emotionally ready

So what im saying is... seeing as yours was a natural mc without any medical intervention it would definitely be OK for you try as soon as you feel ready :hugs:

Sorry for waffling :blush: but if you'd like to chat about any of this in more detail feel free to PM me whenever you like & i'd be glad to help xx

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