Young, TTC casually with irregular cycles, Join me!

My doctor only offers smears for cervical cancer where I am. I think that faith n hope is right, usually they only give you testing when you've been ttc for over a year. I'm confused as to how they know how long you've been trying? I never saw my doctor before I began ttc so I guess people could just go in and say that they've been trying for a year anyway?

I hope that you get answers soon Princess lou. My OH is a med student but he's no use at all in advice for ttc! Have any of you ladies been tested for PCOS? :dust:
Thanks for the welcome :)

Haylee - My friend has irregular cycles and usually her GP says to wait 20 days from when she believes that she OVd to test :flower: It sounds like you're in a with a chance. The fertility friend website says there are 2/3 really good days to dtd (the two before you OV and the day) so if you hit one you're in with a pretty big chance (98% of the women with a bfp had BD on at least one of those days). Does temping really help? I've wanted to do it for a while but thought it seemed really complex.

We've not set a date yet but we're hoping for some time in 2014. It seems like ages away, but my OH is a med student, so by then we'll be in a more settled position.

I plan to test on Jan 15th I think, do any of you girls plan to test around that time?

Lots of sticky :dust:
Hey Chick, Temping is Recording each day's body temperature - and charting the pattern of temperature changes -it will help pinpoint when when ovulation has occurred and determine future patterns for predicting ovulation, so I do find it quite helpful, especially bercause my cycles are irregular and I can O at different times each month. Alot of women think it may be a little too stressful, but I am really enjoying my charting, I look forward to seeing my temp every morning :haha:
I think I will be trying to wait until cd 39 until I test, so that would be the 23rd of Jan. But keep us posted when you do test :hugs: xx

since posting on this thread i can stop thinking and hoping that we could potentially be this years parents, and i would want to start my journey on anyother website.

i really do hope and wish you all so much luck and really hope those positives come soon.

I agree! This is a great site and I won't be leaving any time soon :hugs:
Lots of :dust: xx

I'm on fertillity friend website too, but because of my cycles it gives me two AF days and six days in which to concieve. so im not sure if ill be on, on the 8th or the 9th. fingers crossed it wont come either day and can start testing as soon as possible.
congratulations on the engagment doodah :)
Haylee, the only thing bad about the ultrasound is waiting a week for the results. its very stressful.
Does anyone know if u can get a smear at a young age if you have irregular cycles?
im only 20, 21 in a months time

Good Luck to everyone this month :) lets get some positives :D
XxX ~******~
I hope AF is a no show for you so you can test! FX'd, I think I will be so anxious waiting a week for my results, oh dear, thankfully bnb is here for me :haha: I can't help you out with the smear info, sorry chick :hugs: But I'm pretty sure they only smear for Cervical Cancer here in Aust too. Yay only one more month until your Birthday!! xx

My doctor only offers smears for cervical cancer where I am. I think that faith n hope is right, usually they only give you testing when you've been ttc for over a year. I'm confused as to how they know how long you've been trying? I never saw my doctor before I began ttc so I guess people could just go in and say that they've been trying for a year anyway?

I hope that you get answers soon Princess lou. My OH is a med student but he's no use at all in advice for ttc! Have any of you ladies been tested for PCOS? :dust:
I haven't been tested for PCOS, how exactly do they determine if you have PCOS? I've always thought, how do they know if we say we have been trying for a year, when really it's only been a few months? How would they know? A lie detector machine :haha:

Hopefully tomorrow I am officially in my 2ww! We plan to bd for the next two days still and then every other day for a week just incase I O later than expected! Good luck lovely ladies,
Just want to say I am so glad you have all dropped by! Thanks!

:dust: xx
thanks haylee :) im hoping ill be getting an early birthday present this month :)
whats the test for PCOS? i havnt heard much about it :S
Usually your doctor will look to see any symptoms of it - e.g. irregular cycles, acne/frequent spots, bad period pains etc. From there it's usually a blood test to look for an increase of certain hormones, usually testosterone I think. That's what my OH said anyway. He was telling me about a few days ago.

Thanks for the information on temping Haylee :) I've kinda wanted to try it for a while but have sort of put it off and off. I think maybe if I don't get my bfp in my next two cycles I'll give it a go!

I'm glad I found this thread. It's nice to be able to share the journey with such nice ladies... Sounds a bit cheesy but you get my point ;) :flower:
thank you, might have to speak to the doctor next time i go, see if they say to test or not.
re-checked my dates and silly me my AF is the 6th. too much stress on at the moment iv got it wrong lol!
*~BabyDust~* :D
Oh that sounds nasty! Hope you get sorted! That musnt be easy! Sending hugs n love!
and lots of Baby Dust! Are the Drs not helping you any more since all of that?!
Usually your doctor will look to see any symptoms of it - e.g. irregular cycles, acne/frequent spots, bad period pains etc. From there it's usually a blood test to look for an increase of certain hormones, usually testosterone I think. That's what my OH said anyway. He was telling me about a few days ago.

Thanks for the information on temping Haylee :) I've kinda wanted to try it for a while but have sort of put it off and off. I think maybe if I don't get my bfp in my next two cycles I'll give it a go!

I'm glad I found this thread. It's nice to be able to share the journey with such nice ladies... Sounds a bit cheesy but you get my point ;) :flower:
Your welcome DooDah, and thank you to your OH for the information on PCOS :thumbup:
I'm glad you all dropped in, no one knows we are trying and some one who hasn't tried before doesn't really understand what it is like, but here, we are all in the same boat. It is just so weird as other internet forums just aren't as welcoming as bnb :hugs: :hugs: I hope we get bfp's around the same time! We can all be bump buddies :friends: xx

Oh that sounds nasty! Hope you get sorted! That musnt be easy! Sending hugs n love!
and lots of Baby Dust! Are the Drs not helping you any more since all of that?!
Hi Faith n Hope :)
How is everything going chick? Still love your user name :) I'd like to call one of my daughters Faith or Hope. Every time I read it, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :haha: I honestly think a persons name can shape their personality too ( am I crazy :rofl: :wacko: )
Baby dust and Hugs to you xx :hugs: :hugs:

Originally Posted by princesslou
thank you, might have to speak to the doctor next time i go, see if they say to test or not.
re-checked my dates and silly me my AF is the 6th. too much stress on at the moment iv got it wrong lol!

OOO the 6th is only 2 days away here where I am :haha:
How are you feeling? Any symptoms? I'm sending you lots of baby dust and I hope you get an awesome early birthday present :hugs: xx

I had to go to the doctors today to get a medical done for work and I asked the doctor about getting tested for pcos, and he basically said, you'll have to book an appointment with another doctor to speak about this :dohh: and then I asked him about bbt and my opks and he couldn't give me any advice on that either :dohh:
I think I might be 1dpo today. YAY xx
Hope all is well ladies. Anyone feeling any symptoms? xx
my symptoms are feeling sick, backache and sore hips. but im usually unwel before AF i think its my body teasing me :( :cry:
gonna start testing as soon as my tests come through the post.
There is a site online which is perfect for people who are trying to concieve u can buy 10 early pregnancy tests for under £2 and ovulation tests.

it wont let me put the website but if u search "sme-fertility" it will come up.
i recommend using it, and you get points when you buy for money off :thumbup:

Hows everyone feeling? Would love to know other peoples symptoms :hugs:

Oh By the way is Anyone using fertility lubricant?

*~Lots of Baby Dust For All~*
my symptoms are feeling sick, backache and sore hips. but im usually unwel before AF i think its my body teasing me :( :cry:
gonna start testing as soon as my tests come through the post.
There is a site online which is perfect for people who are trying to concieve u can buy 10 early pregnancy tests for under £2 and ovulation tests.

it wont let me put the website but if u search "sme-fertility" it will come up.
i recommend using it, and you get points when you buy for money off :thumbup:

Hows everyone feeling? Would love to know other peoples symptoms :hugs:

Oh By the way is Anyone using fertility lubricant?

*~Lots of Baby Dust For All~*

Hey princesslou :wave: Symptoms sound good, can't wait until you :test:
I am having a little trouble with bnb so please forgive me if my responses are delayed :blush: it seems to happen at this time every night :dohh:
How long until your tests arrive? I am excited for you :) I think you have to make 50 posts before you can post a link so I will try for you
I wish I lived in the UK so I could use this site, I get mine off ebay

Here is the link for the ladies (I hope it's the right site :blush:)

I think I am 1dpo today and my BB's are tender, I bought a little note book so I can write my symptoms down every day :) Talk about obsessive, lol. I would also like it as a reference, if you know what I mean.
How are you other wise chick? I am just sitting here, my OH is out fishing and I am thinking I should probably start dinner soon :haha: xx

EDIT - forgot to say, we haven't been using fertility lubricant, we have never really used lube all together, but I am going to buy some if I don't get my bfp this cycles xx Are you using it ? xx
Hey girlies :)

princess lou - your symptoms sound very good! I hope that this is the start of your bfp.

Haylee - we used to use pre-seed but when it ran out we never really though to stock up. It seemed a bit OTT when we're only ntnp. Plus OH doesn't want to 'give his little swimmers any help... They're strong enough as it is' apparently :haha:

So I need your opinion ladies. Last night OH and I were doing the deed. When we finished, I had the palest, watery blood when I wiped - none on my undies. It tapered down to brown this morning. There was barely any of it. Do you think this could be IB? I'm 10dpo today, that was at 9dpo and af is due for the 8th I think.

Fingers crossed so hard!

Good luck :dust:

Can't wait to see your test results princesslou :flower:
Do any of you lovelies have a ttc journal? xxx

I used to but some silly girl that I went to school with found me on here and I didn't want for her to go round telling people... Especially with us taking our time to get a bfp.

I'll stalk anyone else though!!!
Hi ladies,
2 days to go!! :) getting really excited now i think this month is gonna be the month **Fingers crossed**
Backache and hips hurting loads so just lying down on my bed. Anyone else getting these symptoms?
Otherwise i'm doing okay, drinking lots of water and being careful at work just incase.
We have been using pre-seed too. only for a few months tho, but it is suppost to help the sperm guide there way :happydance:
i have a ttc journal, but i use fertility friend. Its easier to do it online then having to write it all down.
DooDah it does sounds like IB to me, lets hope it is!! the 8th is not that far away :)
**Fingers crossed ladies**
Baby dust to all
I know that the Dr I saw said you have to have been trying for a year! Not sure how they would know? But I went to the Drs twice so hopefully they can look back at my notes if it gets to that point? You see one cycle was two months long and as soon as I booked appointment I turned! Its so frustrating! Then my next one was 6 weeks after! Luckily I turned just after my wedding day! Lol! I hate not knowing when im due as I cant work anything out?! Plus I get really bad acne when not on pill! But ive never been regular!
I haven’t been tested for PCOS! Any concerns I asked the Dr she just said I cant rule it out until you have been tested but we don’t test yet?! So that doesn’t help really! She said it could be cysts or anything?
Im undecided what to do as everyone says don’t think about it or stress but im tempted to try and find out if im at least ovulating? I asked the Dr she was like theres nothing u can do to see if ur ovulating and didn’t suggest any of this and I even started taking Folic Acid myself!
To those of you that do OPKS and temping with irregular cycles how and when do you do it? Thanks!
It is a good site! Means we don’t feel alone as I think Men don’t understand how frustrating and hard it can be! Esp when I didn’t turn and I tested to get negatives!
Thank you about my username its names we are thinking about too for a girl? Not too sure about boys names yet tho? I think Faith for a girl though! Im glad you like them hopefully we can use them soon!
Funny you all mention symptoms don’t u find that the slightest twinge now makes u think ooooooooo what if this means something?
Baby dust to all!
Hey girlies :)

princess lou - your symptoms sound very good! I hope that this is the start of your bfp.

Haylee - we used to use pre-seed but when it ran out we never really though to stock up. It seemed a bit OTT when we're only ntnp. Plus OH doesn't want to 'give his little swimmers any help... They're strong enough as it is' apparently :haha:

So I need your opinion ladies. Last night OH and I were doing the deed. When we finished, I had the palest, watery blood when I wiped - none on my undies. It tapered down to brown this morning. There was barely any of it. Do you think this could be IB? I'm 10dpo today, that was at 9dpo and af is due for the 8th I think.

Fingers crossed so hard!

Good luck :dust:

Can't wait to see your test results princesslou :flower:
That sounds like it could be IB, how exciting!!!! I'm sorry but I had to laugh at your OH's comment about his swimmers! :haha: That is just so male to say lol. Something my OH would say too. 10dpo? :test: haha I am a bad influence lol. Cant wait to see what the 8th brings for you. :yipee: Yeah I was thinking about preseed because I don't really get an abundance of ewcm. xx

Do any of you lovelies have a ttc journal? xxx

I used to but some silly girl that I went to school with found me on here and I didn't want for her to go round telling people... Especially with us taking our time to get a bfp.

I'll stalk anyone else though!!!
This is my biggest fear about having my journal on here. I am not too open in my journal and if someone who knows me was to stumble across my journal they would know it's me for sure :dohh: Bit I still have a journal on here I'd go crazy without it. I am always posting all kinds of anything in there lol xx

Hi ladies,
2 days to go!! :) getting really excited now i think this month is gonna be the month **Fingers crossed**
Backache and hips hurting loads so just lying down on my bed. Anyone else getting these symptoms?
Otherwise i'm doing okay, drinking lots of water and being careful at work just incase.
We have been using pre-seed too. only for a few months tho, but it is suppost to help the sperm guide there way :happydance:
i have a ttc journal, but i use fertility friend. Its easier to do it online then having to write it all down.
DooDah it does sounds like IB to me, lets hope it is!! the 8th is not that far away :)
**Fingers crossed ladies**
Baby dust to all
I am so excited for you princess! :hugs: I love the positive thinking :) Can't wait for you to :test: !! I admire your strength for not crumbling and testing early :thumbup: if you get a bfp I am getting preseed for sure :haha: xx

I know that the Dr I saw said you have to have been trying for a year! Not sure how they would know? But I went to the Drs twice so hopefully they can look back at my notes if it gets to that point? You see one cycle was two months long and as soon as I booked appointment I turned! Its so frustrating! Then my next one was 6 weeks after! Luckily I turned just after my wedding day! Lol! I hate not knowing when im due as I cant work anything out?! Plus I get really bad acne when not on pill! But ive never been regular!
I haven’t been tested for PCOS! Any concerns I asked the Dr she just said I cant rule it out until you have been tested but we don’t test yet?! So that doesn’t help really! She said it could be cysts or anything?
Im undecided what to do as everyone says don’t think about it or stress but im tempted to try and find out if im at least ovulating? I asked the Dr she was like theres nothing u can do to see if ur ovulating and didn’t suggest any of this and I even started taking Folic Acid myself!
To those of you that do OPKS and temping with irregular cycles how and when do you do it? Thanks!
It is a good site! Means we don’t feel alone as I think Men don’t understand how frustrating and hard it can be! Esp when I didn’t turn and I tested to get negatives!
Thank you about my username its names we are thinking about too for a girl? Not too sure about boys names yet tho? I think Faith for a girl though! Im glad you like them hopefully we can use them soon!
Funny you all mention symptoms don’t u find that the slightest twinge now makes u think ooooooooo what if this means something?
Baby dust to all!

Doctors are so annoying sometimes, It's like far out why can't you just test me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am 2dpo and already going symptom crazy, gahhh It's ridiculous! Do you ladies ever sit here thinking, I wonder if sperm even met egg? I have been thinking this all night and day lol.

I have irregular cycles and I tried opks and temping this cycle and what I did was I started testing with opk at 13 dpo ( because my cycles are anywhere from 30 - 40 days on average). If you sometimes have shorter cycles I would say start testing with opk earlier than 13 dpo. I take my opks at the same time every day, twice a day at 2pm and around 9pm, it is said to not use your fmu with opk's but you can if you want. The hormone opks detect developes over the morning so it is said to test early aftertoon, rather than fmu. With my temping I started the day AF finished. You have to take your temp as soon as you wake up after 3-4 hours of solid sleep, before you sit up,go to the toilet, anything. It can be quite difficult to get used to but once you get in the hang of not moving, it's easy :thumbup: I keep my thermometer under my pillow or on my bed side table. If you sign up to FF, they will email you charting lessons so handy :hugs: Goodluck x

EDIT - I set my alarm for 5.15 and take my temp then, then go back to sleep so I am being consistant, taking it at the exaact same time everyday xx
one day to go and my positive thinking has gone downhill. im starting to think that these hip pains are just normal growing pains and thats it. Dont understand why i would be in this much pain this early on if i am pregnant :cry:

I dont wanna test early and be disappointed lol, might aswell wait a day and see if AF comes or not, hopefully not.
i like pre-seed, plus it says on the back "if not pregnant in 6months concult a doctor" better than waiting a year right? :thumbup:

Thanks ladies you've been keeping me sane over the last few days :hugs:
:hugs: :hugs: I really hope AF stays away.
Hip pain would make sense in early pregnancy wouldn't it? Everything is stretching to make room for baby? Try and keep thinking positive :)
That's interesting it says that on the pre seed. It must be quite good, the more I hear, the more I want to try it :blush:
:hugs: xxx
i researched hip pain on the internet and it came up "very early pregnancy symptom" but im not how far gone you have to be to get it, all the sites have been different :wacko:
I hope it stays away too, but iv been suffering from cramps which im hoping is not gonna be the start of AF :cry:

Very tired cant sleep with the discomfort.
How you feeling anyways hun? :hugs:
Ooo cramps are another good sign in the tww, I have a good feeling for you :flow:
Im good thank you, I have extremely sore bb's today which I have explained in another thread that I would like to cut them off today :haha: I do get sore bb;s in my tww but this is epic!
I'm also sitting here thinking I wonder if sperm even met egg :dohh: I love my imaginary symptoms :haha:
So is tomorrow AF due day? If she doesn't arrive will you be testing the next day? We are here no matter the results!!
I can't even imagine what it would feel like to see two lines on a hpt. I was excited enough to get a positive opk :blush: xx
yeah its tomorrow so ill be testing saturday morning :happydance:
*fingers crossed* im wondering what it will feel like too.
i think i will faint! or be speechless.
yeaah i imagine the little swimmers battling there way to the egg, wondering if they have managed to burrow there way in yet, :haha:

is it all over ur BB that hurt? mine usually get sore a few days before my AF but nothing this time, they just feel heavy. But it might be my imagination.
i wonder if its possible to go crazy, while trying for a baby :haha:

fingers crossed for your results hun :hugs:

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