April 2023 Babies

@Nima I was able to get my scan moved up to the 13th from the 20th, thankfully, but that still seems like a lifetime away.
That's good. I know it feels far but it will be here soon. I hope everything goes smoothly until then.
@Nima I need to get me a doppler! It really is a magical relief. How far along are you?
I am 9 weeks tomorrows. I feel much more confident now, feeling closer to the 2nd trimester. I recommend getting a doppler but you should be aware that it's not medically advised to use them, because they can cause a bit of heating of tissues and because they can give false reassurance in case something is wrong. But I use it for short moments so it won't heat and if I have any reason to think something is wrong (other than my usual anxiety) I get checked. Sorry for the long disclaimer, I feel responsible :))
I really hope everything will be perfect love. I have found I’ve had different symptoms with some of mine:
Like with my 3 year old I had loads of symptoms b4 my BFP.
But with my youngest I had none until after I found out and even then it was touch and go.
Symptoms definitely came and went and then came back. They really hit around week 8 or 9.

Congratulations @Nima hearing that heartbeat is magical.
I found my son at 10 weeks. I tried at 9 and couldn’t find it: had a melt down but then 10 weeks I found it but took some time.
They are so very very tiny so can be hard to find. But great you managed to catch that.
How are we feeling?

I’ve officially told work, they were all super excited for us!
Have our 12 week scan next Wednesday so looking forward to seeing an actual baby shape rather than the blob I saw at 5+5 lol
Nausea is still bad, but I’m hoping it starts to ease in the next couple of weeks
How are we feeling?

I’ve officially told work, they were all super excited for us!
Have our 12 week scan next Wednesday so looking forward to seeing an actual baby shape rather than the blob I saw at 5+5 lol
Nausea is still bad, but I’m hoping it starts to ease in the next couple of weeks

Exciting!! Hope your scan went well and the nausea is easing xx
Sorry I’ve been missing had a rough few weeks sickness wise thankfully I seem to be coming out the other side. We had our 12 week scan yesterday. Was told I’m having shared care which I expected but have been told I will see a consultant at 14 weeks. Don’t remember it being this early with my little girl. Maybe it’s because I’m that bit older?

Baby was very active and I’m guessing another girl.

:):):):)Had my scan yesterday too due date has moved one day and is now the 4th, everything looked perfect.
Nausea seems to be going which makes me think it’s a girl, as it lasted till 14-16 weeks with my boys but will have a gender scan on Oct 5th

Also, baby has a hand by its face, sonographer assured us it’s not a witch nose

So good the 1st trimester is over soon and the babies are already so real! I love seeing those little humans. I also had my scan yesterday. I am guessing it's a boy because I have no symptoms which is very different from my pregnancy with my daughter, but we'll see soon.

Great scans ladies congratulations.

@GemmaG can I ask a question?
Was you taking baby aspirin with this pregnancy, and if u was when did you start it.

I’m still ttc our rainbow after the MC in June and now on the 8th month ttc.
Do I take baby aspirin through out my whole cycle or do I only take ii if I get a BFP?

I think that’s a boy looking at the nub.
So cute
Great scans ladies congratulations.

@GemmaG can I ask a question?
Was you taking baby aspirin with this pregnancy, and if u was when did you start it.

I’m still ttc our rainbow after the MC in June and now on the 8th month ttc.
Do I take baby aspirin through out my whole cycle or do I only take ii if I get a BFP?

I think that’s a boy looking at the nub.
So cute

Yes although I started a little later than I usually would have if I had of been trying! As soon as I got a positive test that I was sure wasn’t an indent I started them so around 10dpo and I’ve continued right through until now. I will likely stop in a couple of weeks once I’m sure cord flow and placenta is fully established. Keeping everything crossed for you love x
Yes although I started a little later than I usually would have if I had of been trying! As soon as I got a positive test that I was sure wasn’t an indent I started them so around 10dpo and I’ve continued right through until now. I will likely stop in a couple of weeks once I’m sure cord flow and placenta is fully established. Keeping everything crossed for you love x

Oh love thanks so much for replying. That’s what I did with my son, I started them at 10dpo. But I also started them when I had lines at 10dpo in June and my lines got darker and darker and by 13dpo my lines were nearly matching on ICs and matching on Frer. But sadly I went on to miscarry even tho I was taking the aspirin.
the only thing I was wasn’t taking with the miscarriage was maca. I was taking maca when we conceived our son so I’ve started taking them now and also coq10. I only started them yesterday and I’m on cd3 today.
I really hope and pray these help me get my rainbow.
Since the miscarriage all I’ve had is BFNs which is disheartening. But hopefully my rainbow is coming soon.
I just hope I’m pregnant with my rainbow by February at the latest. That will mark one year ttc then. My 43rd birthday is a week b4 Christmas :-(:-(
Hey all, sorry to be MIA for so long; moving has been a beast. I'm 10+3 today, have a scan next Tuesday. Debating on getting the NIPT testing done but not sure. I didn't need it with my son because he was an embryo transfer and had already been tested before he was ever transferred. Anyone recommend it or not? Nausea has been way worse this pregnancy. I'm really hoping for a girl. Both my mom and maternal aunt were sicker with their girls (I'm the only girl, my aunt also only had one girl but still). Haven't vomited thankfully but very limited on what I can eat and came very close to being sick yesterday after riding in the backseat of a car and was nauseous the rest of the day after.

So far have only gained 3lbs which is amazing for me. I really don't need or want to gain a whole bunch, especially this trimester. Losing the 30lbs I gained last pregnancy took me nearly a year to get off and I'm not keen to start that whole process over again.

All your scans look so lovely! Can't wait to see more of my little one next week. Hope you're all still doing well.
Hi everyone, my baby is due May 2nd but I'm having a csection due to history of pre eclampsia and I have Crohns disease so baby will likely come end of April, can I please join you all? I'm 10 weeks and 2 days x
Hi @ukgirl23! Congrats and welcome!

How is everyone? My scan went well. Baby was a tad small but Dr wasn’t worried. I’m feeling like poo and having a hard time getting excited or even happy about being pregnant right now. Does that make me a bad mom? Just really struggling. Vomited for the first time in a pregnancy a couple days ago. That wasn’t fun. My saving grace in that moment was my toddler miraculously slept in that day.

But seriously? How is everyone? Where is everyone?

Hey ladies,
I’m 16 weeks tomorrow, we have had our gender scan and this little one is a girl!! We have four boys between us so are over the moon!!
Thankfully my sickness is gone, although I feel a bit sicky when I’m hungry. We fly to Majorca on Thursday so I’m looking forward to a week of relaxation!

Congrats on a girl and enjoy your holiday!
I never updated in here and hope everyone is doing well.

Our baby girl was born 10th April at home. Another quick labour 2hrs start to finish. She’s 11 weeks now and an absolute dream.

Esmè Karalin 7lb 7oz


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@GemmaG congratulations.
Cora was born in April 4th weighing 8lb 10 and is still a chunk
I’m sure I’ve seen your pics already, are you on the fb group that came from mumsnet?


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