Induction without epidural?


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2013
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Has anyone ever been induced and went without an epidural? I have an induction scheduled on Wednesday if baby doesn’t come before on her own. I really want to do it without an epidural this time but I have heard and read that contractions from an induction are more painful. I’m also worried about being in labor longer with the induction. With my son I was in labor for 7 hours and was only 1 cm dilated when I got to the hospital. This time I am already 3 cm dilated. If I am induced would it not take as long since I already have started dilating?
I was induced with no epidural but it was my first so I dont know how painful natural constractions are compared to induced contractions.
I was induced with no epidural on my second, labour was much quicker more Intense, only lasted 2 hours and didn't hurt half as much as it did with my 1st! Baby was also A LOT bigger and easier to push out.

My first baby started natural and took 9 hours and it was exhausting.

I've never had an epidural but apparently it can make labour drag on... I just want them evicted hahaha
I was induced with both of mine and they were both quick labours and no epidural - I have no idea what a natural contraction feels like compared to an induced one sorry but they weren't that bad tbh (I only had the one dose of pitocin both times)
I was never induced, however I was given something to speed up my contractions with our son. I had an epidural with him being my first, my labor was so long and I couldn’t tell when I had to push. With our daughter, she came very quickly on her own and didn’t have an epidural with her. It was rough pushing her out without one but I felt like a million bucks after I had her. Not really much pain below at all! With our son, I hurt for a while down there and got a bad headache, I think from the epidural.
I have been induced 3 x - first time I had an epidural and the second 2 x I did not.

It was much quicker and I coped fine. My second one actually was the most painful and the ‘least’ induced as I had no hormone drip with her! So I’m not totally convinced on the ‘induced labour more painful’. I was technically induced as had a prostin gel - but that didn’t send me into labour, it was my water being broken that did it.

Third baby I had the drip form 0cm dilated and it was quick once it happened. 25 mins of established labour.
For me my 3rd was induced and it was painful but not as much as my 2nd who was not induced nor did I have epidurals. Guess im the opposite...
I was induced with #3 but I did get an epi at 5cm.
My labor with her was the same 14hrs as #1 and #2. I went in 3cm and 50% with #3.
I haven’t been induced but with my first I did have the drip to speed things up and honestly it was agony. I did not have any pain relief whatsoever though, not even gas and air. I inhaled literally once on it and didn’t like it so didn’t have anything.
With my second baby he was a much shorter labour, didn’t have anything to speed things along and he was almost as painful as my first. The other two were much easier but I still used gas and air.
I have heard probably as many horror stories as not with being induced, I think it’s completely individual and will depend on other things too like pain threshold. All I would say is while you don’t want an epidural, maybe try to keep an open mind about pain relief. I was so determined not to have anything with my first, mostly because I was scared and didn’t know enough about my options. But some years down the line after having read much more about it, I felt happier to use gas and air and it was brilliant. You don’t necessarily have to have an epidural for pain relief anyway, there are lots of options there.

Haha just realised the date of this thread... chances are you probably had the baby by now
The first time I was pregnant, I gave birth naturally with no meds. I actually got to the hospital fully dilated. However I had been in labor with him all weekend. Took me 2 hours to push him out. I actually could not feel any pain or pressure AT ALL until they gave me pitocin.

WIth my 2nd, my intentions were to deliver naturally again but I ended up having an epidural. I was in labor for a total of 12 hours, pushed for about an hour.

I was induced with my 3rd and my daughter was not ready to come out at all and the induction process was awful for me. I was 39 weeks. The meds they gave me to start the process made me sick to my stomach and I was throwing up and had stomach cramps. Because of my high blood pressure they would not let me deliver naturally and I had an epidural which did bring my BP down. Once I was ready to push she came out very quickly. It took i think 3 pushes.

All pregnancies are different and so is each birth experience.

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