Éowyn Eve Isobella - 30/12/09 - elective c-section/ breech baby


Mama to Wyn and Will
May 11, 2009
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So here is my birth story. I had an elective c-section on Wednesday 30th December 2009 to deliver my daughter - Éowyn Eve Isobella.


This is a bit long, when I found out I was going to have an elective section I tried to search for info on the forums and found relatively little that reassured or informed me. :wacko: I hope this birth story and background may help others who do future searches.

I ended up having and elective c-section because my little one was breech. She had been for most of the pregnancy, at least from 22 weeks, and although at the end (35-39 weeks)I kept being told there was still time for her to turn around she didn't - though I must confess once they gave me the date for the section I was terrified she would turn and then we would be back to square one of waiting for labour. It was hard to prepare for the operation knowing it could be called off at the last minute, even when we arrived at the hospital I was nervous that I would be sent away. Although with hindsight she had been rammed under my ribs for so long I knew exactly what she felt like, head in ribs and how the flutters low down were her feet - I would have known if she had turned just by the change in how her movements or body in my belly felt. Mentally preparing yourself for something that can change was hard.

I had originally wanted a 'natural' water birth with as little drugs as possible, although as my first baby I was open and ready to change my mind once I felt labour pains! - it's odd now to think I may never know what labour feels like. I didn't have any B'hicks or anything else before the section date. But I don't think I missed out on anything, I can handle not having that experience in my life, especially now I have a perfect and healthy baby. I opted for an elective section so that I didn't have to go through the ordeal of labour only to have an c-section anyway in an emergency situation, I wanted to go into the section calmly and prepared, which I am glad of now. Also my hospital (Winchester) do not offer the option of Vaginal birth for breech babies unless you really argue for it, most hospitals don't. It seems that maternity wards are not experienced in breech births and although it can be seem to be alarming how many c-sections are done these days it is simply how things are done to be safe and have healthy babies and mothers. My midwife said that although she is regualrly trained and re-trained in breech births and complications she and many midwifes have never done a vaginal breech birth, it's become a specialist thing now. I could have argued for it if I wanted to, I didn't.

I was offered the ECV thing where they try to move the baby manually in your belly, I declined this - I didn't like the idea of manipulating her inside me and the statistics for success weren't high enough to want to put myself and her in what felt to me was a stressful or painful thing. I experienced bruising like pain from a rough handling of a consultant trying to feel my babies position in my belly before and did not want that again only worse. This was the right decision for me. The Dr didn't argue my choice but did stress it was offered to me.

The birth....

I went in at 7.30am at exactly 39 weeks. The date was decided a week earlier. I was the third to have an elective that day so went into the operating theatre at 1pm which was scary but my husband was fab support. For info on how a c-section is done look do a google search, for me happened in almost exactly the way it's described on sites. Once the spinal block took hold I felt nothing from just below my boobs, where a screen was put up so I couldn't see anything -didn't want to although they did offer, I felt nothing except some pulling around. They described the birth for me - limb by limb and my husband watched it - At 1.58pm my baby was born, my husband cut the cord and then she was brought over to me and placed on my chest - I was thrilled to get skin to skin contact! I thought I wouldn't and would have to wait until we were in recovery - it was important to me to get skin to skin asap and we did! We cuddled/ cried/ fell in love for half an hour while they finished the operation. It was surreal but not too frightening, my husband stroked my hair through all of it and held me, once I had her in my arms I lost track of time - what was nearly two hours from walking in to being in a recovery room felt like only 20 minutes to be honest.

I was on a drip for several hours and it took about 3-4 hours before I got my legs feeling back - although in half an hour I was trying to wriggle up the bed to be able to hold my baby better. Slowly getting feeling back was odd but not a problem. I was transferred to a ward late that night and finally got to eat something - I hadn't eaten in 24 hours! A crap hospital sandwich tasted fab - definitely take bottled drinks and snacks with you to eat as a midnight feast if you need them, which you probably will - and make sure they are to hand, I had to try to get my bag from the floor which wasn't easy or advised. They left a catheter in overnight which wasn't unpleasant like I was expecting, it was more odd having a nurse change my maternity pad -but they are professionals to the extreme and very nice, I wasn't actually embarrassed by anything like I thought I would be.
By 10am next morning I had managed to slowly get up with husbands help and slowly walked to the loo (which was ok to go!) I had a shower later and my dressing was removed - the incision line of the section is much neater and smaller than I thought it would be. Sitting up and leaning forward or back was hard, but this is mainly because your stomach muscles have been moved so they are sore! I once had to buzz for help as I was holding Éowyn when I got stuck unable to move forward or back due to a sharp pain, I needed someone to take her so I could use both hands to support my own weight.

and this is the unusual bit... I went home at lunchtime the next day, within 24hours of the birth! However I stress this is not a normal thing, the maternity unit was extremely busy and when they examined me the nurse mentioned that as I was doing so well (which I was, I felt ok except lack of sleep) they may discharge me the next day - I asked if i could go that day as I didn't want to be in hospital and would rather go home to be looked after by my Husband. As I had no complications they agreed to this, after doing lots of checks and questions on both me and baby. I was managing to breastfeed ok, was fit and moving around (although slowly), had someone to look after me and I lived within 15 mins drive of the hospital too. Normally stays are 3 nights, but the one night I spent there was enough for me - all the babies cried and kept me awake, except for my baby who slept through the night!

For me an elective c-section has definitely ended up being a positive experience. I have a happy and healthy baby, I am physically healing and doing very well, although have not been far from the sofa yet,(it's day 4) a short walk to the shops today was enough, it is tender and I did have a major op 4 days ago. Although I feel lucky not to have a lot of the pain and problems related to a vaginal birth - a sore tummy is nothing compared to what some women have endured and I have even more respect for that now. I'm having no problems holding her or with breastfeeding which is good - although I do maintain a positive outlook to overcome any problems and I have fantastic support in my husband when I do have any little wobbles or downs. I disliked the worry at the beginning about will it or won't it happen but the actual experience of it medically has been ok. I do not feel I have cheated anything of the birth experience and my little girl makes anything worthwhile! I will add that when or if I have another baby if I can I would like to go for a VBAC - I would still like to experience a vaginal birth and labour. I have simply had a different experience this time around.

I hope this helps you if you are having a section yourself, thanks for reading, I'm going back to staring with awe and wonderus love at my daughter, I'm doing alot of that! :cloud9:



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massive congrats x i also had a section, awful experince,but worth it in the end x

Thanks for the PM:thumbup:
and for sharing your birth story, perfectly worded may i add...
you make the recovery seem so much easier than i had taught
which i am relived to hear in some sense

I had normal natural birth before on NO pain releif..
and it was amazing experinnce (even tho my Daughter was still born)
it was perfect and im delighted i got to experience that

but this time round the taughts of a naturl birth MENTALLY after
the death of my lil girl is too much, so i opted for elective CS
and also at the mo , my baby is back breech posiition so really hoping
he actually stays that way:winkwink:

Thanks again for sharing your story and congrats on your miracle xx
Congratulations. Thanks for writing your birth story. I'm having an elective C-Section. I have an appointment this morning to find out the date.

It's lovely to read such a positive story, especially that you got to hold your little girl straight away and your OH was able to cut the cord.

Eowyn is beatiful. :hugs:
Thanks guys, I am aware that I am really lucky to be feeling so well so soon and to be up and about so fast. I am surprised but I was fairly fit and active before i was pregnant and carried on doing stage combat and set building up until 28 weeks (very carefully I might add) when I suddenly turned into feeling and moving like an elephant. It's fab to be able to pit my own socks on again!! :happydance:

C especially that you got to hold your little girl straight away and your OH was able to cut the cord.

This was really important to me and probably is why my story sounds so positive. By mentioning to the theatre team at the hospital what I wanted I found out it was able to happen - I'm so glad I asked! Those are precious moments - in fact the first two pics above are actually during the op, shes minutes old! :cloud9:
Congratulations and many thanks for sharing your story xx
Thanks for sharing your birth story, the closer I get to full term the more I think im going to be having an elective, I have SPD and also my baby is breech at the moment, she also has some brain fluid abnormalities which may mean they have to whisk her off at birth to check her over. Thanks for letting us know what goes on! Im a chubby girl so the main thing I worry about it the needle for epidural/spinal block not working properly or them not using enough drugs lol. xx
Congratulations! She's absolutely beautiful! And thanks for sharing your story.

(btw...I LOVE the name Eowyn. If DH and I have a daughter we are naming her Eowyn Helene) :thumbup:
Congrats. Thanks for sharing your story, my LO is breech at the moment and I have a feeling he's not going to turn. xx
Thank you very much for sharing - 5* birth story :thumbup: (incredibly useful)

Congratulations! Your story was a lovely read :)
Congratulations!! I had the same as you, and yes, fitness is key. I'd kept up training, but moved over to less strenuous stuff, but when she'd stayed breech I upped the uper body regime to assist. Worked wonders and I too was up and moving around very quickly whilst others on the ward were lagging behind and staying in bed all day. Kept bugging them to take the catheter out so I could get moving - worse bot was the canular in the hand - out of everything including the incision site!! Well done!!
Wonderful Story and Éowyn is gorgeous! I too had an elective section and had an amazing birth with my daughter, I had a natural birth with my son and had a very traumatic time.
Congratulations and thank you for sharing such a positive, well explained birth story. I had a natural birth with my first but am booked in for a section next week due to a breech baby and failed ECV. Reassuring to hear that breastfeeding went well for you as I was concerned about this following a c-section.
Thank you so much for sharing your birth story with me, it has really helped set my mind at ease :flow:

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