My cycles are practically nonexistent without medication, but we've been trying for 14/15 months now, though I came off the pill in Feb 2013. I've done 7 rounds of monitored medications, and have only ovulated once during the past two years (confirmed by progesterone test on one round of Femara). So it feels pretty hopeless sometimes, although I try to have faith that my body will suddenly decide to surprise me. They usually put me on Prometrium to induce periods; even though I have PCOS, my current doctor is hesitant to give me Metformin because blood work shows no insulin resistance problems... I'm hoping a new doctor might consider it as an option just to see if it works.
What with such irregular cycles, I gave up temping because it caused far more stress than it was worth for me. After frequent intervals of 60-90 days with no ovulation and then completely random anovulatory bleeding, it just depressed me and I couldn't stay motivated to do it; I've wasted SO many HPTs hoping for a BFP when logically I knew I never even ovulated (all BFNs, of course!).