16 month old not speaking yet


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2012
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So my pediatrician is concerned that my (almost) 16 month old is not using words yet. He makes lots of noises, and can do syllables... but doesn't use them on "purpose" for any particular thing. He points at things and knows what words mean. He knows who certain people are by name, he knows what his shoes & socks are, tummy, the cat, outside, pants, shirt, water, etc... He's very smart. He's just not even tried any words yet.

The pediatrician wanted to send him to speech therapy, but said we could wait until he was 18 months... and if he wasn't speaking by that time, then we needed to go.

Anyone else have a late talker or any experience with speech therapy that can offer some advice? (I personally am not overly concerned, I know he'll talk when he's ready.... just looking for some advice to help him out. )
I think your pediatrician has got too high expectations and it is perfectly normal and at 16 months is of no concern please don't listen to him they all develop at different rates and he c will get there when he is ready
At our 15 month check I told our pediatrician that LO wasn't really using any words other than mama and dada (not really clearly or often though). Has he said those at all? The doc said it was ok and now at 16 months LO has picked up "there" and "no". Anyway, that's all I can tell you for now because that's where we are still. From what I've read my LO is a little behind in speech. I think they expect closer to 10 words at this point, but I'm not sure.

I don't think you should worry about it right now.
blimey things must be very different over in america!!! theres no way any doctor over here would refer a 16 month old for speech therapy!!
most only start talking loads at 18 months and even then until 2 up to 50 words is normal
i wouldnt worry - unless he is 20-24 months and has no words
I don't think thats's abnormal at all. At least wait until his 2nd birthday to be concerned about him not talking, I would say.
No words at 16 months is completely normal, I wouldn't even call your son a late talker.

My son is 21 months and e said the usual mum dad, hello, bubye and animal noises as well as attempting toast, and other things.

I don't think thats's abnormal at all. At least wait until his 2nd birthday to be concerned about him not talking, I would say.

^This. Many children pick up speech between 18mo-2yrs, so its not abnormal for your child to not have any words yet. Some get speech earlier, but that doesn't mean a child needs speech therapy if they pick it up a few months later than other children. I would wait and see how he does these next few months. If he's making sounds already, that's a good thing. Does he baby babble a lot? If so, that's good too. Learning to make different sounds, even just nonsense words, is still working on speech skills.

Neither of my boys had their first words until around 18 months. My younger son is almost 22 months now, and is getting a decent amount of words now, and starting to sometimes string 2 words together.

I'd say just be patient with him, keep encouraging him, use a lot of picture books with him where you can point out the names of things, point out names of things in every day life as you use them, etc. He will start to pick it up in time. But I def wouldn't get stressed over your doctor's recommendation; honestly, I think he's jumping ahead of himself and not giving your son a chance to get there on his own.
Thanks everyone. I'm not super concerned about it myself, although it would be NICE to hear something other than the whiny noises he makes. :haha:

He doesn't really babble like I hear some little ones doing. He's more of a noise maker... but he does occasionally sound like he's trying to communicate with whatever it is he's playing with.

Like I said, he's smart and knows exactly what things are. You can ask him things like "which one is the tractor?" in his picture book, and he'll point right to it. And he'll mimic noises like clicking your tongue. He just doesn't even try to mimic words yet.

I guess we'll see what the pediatrician says at his 18 month check up. I'm really not in a hurry to put my child into speech therapy, so even if he recommends it, I might wait until he's at least 2 to be concerned if he hasn't used any words yet.

I appreciate the advice!
I agree that 16 months is very premature to be worried. It sounds like his understanding is good which is promising. Ciara was probably saying around 10-20 words at that age but most were said a few times then disappeared :). She had her language explosion literally bang on 18 months and by 20 months easily over 100 words & was joining 2-3 words together. Now at just turned 2 she can literally say anything and speaks in sentences of 6-7 words easily. Speech can come on very quickly.
My son has global delay so isn't like 'normal children' but I assure you that having no words at 16 months is completely normal :) my son said his first word at 18 months and at 2 years 9 months has less than 10 words.
Sorry I think your pediatrician is ridiculous! There is absolutely nothing wrong with a 16 month old, or even 18-month-old, or even 20 month old that doesn't speak! Or maybe just has one or two or three words.
My oldest could not say (or chose not to say) any words aside from mum and dad until she was older than two years! I think she was about 25 months. She's now just over three and speaks perfectly well! In fact people often comment to me about how well she speaks for her age. So I would not worry at all, and I wouldn't worry about speech therapy until your child is at least two.
Good luck!

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