Hello everyone, I am currently 17dpo, the only way I am guessing that I ovulated was I had brown spotting on March 3rd & 4th. My last period was February 15th, and I have a 30/31 day cycle! Ive never experienced ovulation spotting until those days, that was my first time so of course I freaked out. My partner and I BDd 3 days before the 3rd & also 4 days after. My next expected period was due on March 17th and have had no signs of AF. I did get a little anxious today and POAS this afternoon, and I got what I expected a BFN. The symptoms that have been bothering me that i never get is nausea and yellowish liquid vaginal discharge ((sorry that was TMI)). If anyone has some advice or are experiencing the same please feel free to leave some comments! Thank you! Baby dust to all!!