Im 31 and I've been having irregular periods for about 4-5 years. I was disgnosed with mild PCOS in Nov 08 and started metformin at the same time. I fell pregnant Dec 08 & I miscarried just before the New Year, at the time I was approx 5w.
Since the m.c we have had sex several times but sadly despite supposedly being most fertile I never fell pregnant and got my first AF on Friday.
Prior to the AF I had had a range of symptoms that could have been AF or BFP related. My hormone levels were tracked to 13 at the EPAU early Jan and I tested BFN a few days later with a home preg test.
24th Jan after intercourse I had some light pink spotting which lasted just under an hour, followed by a light brown discharge for 2 days. A week later I had the same spotting on an off for 2 days for about 20 mins a time / 4 times each day if that makes sense. The third day I had no spotting or discharge at all. I tested with a home preg test and was BFN
My AF arrived the following day and i immediately passed some dark clots, and stringy blood. In addition to the normal bleeding I was also passing creamy pasty red blood. As the day went on the bleed became more normal and was a medium AF for me. During that first night I had excessively heavy flow and got up to change towels twice.
The following day the period became more of a medium flow and as the day wore on it became very light. About 9pm last night it was almost back to what I would describe as spotting. When I wiped I noticed a few small clear jelly type lumps / balls discharge, which is unusal for me
This morning and throughout the day its been a very light pink/red spotting at times not constantly. About two hours ago I felt a sudden gush of blood, I went to the toilet but there was nothing at all there, I went to the toilet to wipe and there was a pinky-red / clear discharge which was really stretchy just like EWCM.
Im so confused as to whats happening and what "stage " of my cycle I actually am at, surely this discharge couldnt be EWCM and why was my AF so short {2 days} ??
Just to confuse matters more all day my boobs have been sore and I ve had the odd twinge in my ovaries ......... Does anyone have any ideas or been through anything similar?? I dont know whats going on, what to think or where to post any more
Apologies for the TMI above - any thoughts will be greatfully appreciated
Cheers xx
Im 31 and I've been having irregular periods for about 4-5 years. I was disgnosed with mild PCOS in Nov 08 and started metformin at the same time. I fell pregnant Dec 08 & I miscarried just before the New Year, at the time I was approx 5w.
Since the m.c we have had sex several times but sadly despite supposedly being most fertile I never fell pregnant and got my first AF on Friday.
Prior to the AF I had had a range of symptoms that could have been AF or BFP related. My hormone levels were tracked to 13 at the EPAU early Jan and I tested BFN a few days later with a home preg test.
24th Jan after intercourse I had some light pink spotting which lasted just under an hour, followed by a light brown discharge for 2 days. A week later I had the same spotting on an off for 2 days for about 20 mins a time / 4 times each day if that makes sense. The third day I had no spotting or discharge at all. I tested with a home preg test and was BFN
My AF arrived the following day and i immediately passed some dark clots, and stringy blood. In addition to the normal bleeding I was also passing creamy pasty red blood. As the day went on the bleed became more normal and was a medium AF for me. During that first night I had excessively heavy flow and got up to change towels twice.
The following day the period became more of a medium flow and as the day wore on it became very light. About 9pm last night it was almost back to what I would describe as spotting. When I wiped I noticed a few small clear jelly type lumps / balls discharge, which is unusal for me
This morning and throughout the day its been a very light pink/red spotting at times not constantly. About two hours ago I felt a sudden gush of blood, I went to the toilet but there was nothing at all there, I went to the toilet to wipe and there was a pinky-red / clear discharge which was really stretchy just like EWCM.
Im so confused as to whats happening and what "stage " of my cycle I actually am at, surely this discharge couldnt be EWCM and why was my AF so short {2 days} ??
Just to confuse matters more all day my boobs have been sore and I ve had the odd twinge in my ovaries ......... Does anyone have any ideas or been through anything similar?? I dont know whats going on, what to think or where to post any more
Apologies for the TMI above - any thoughts will be greatfully appreciated
Cheers xx