This is my first month already having anxiety about fertility and my age. UGH! Im 34, DH is 44. Im also obsessed with other pls sx in TWW. So Here are mine:
sore bbs, BBS feel heavy and full, sick feeling in my stomach, tired, mild cramping since O.
Started last night getting up to pee and feeling sick.
EXTREEM hunger that persist.
Strange and very vivid dream that my 13 year old son was pregnant...yes male pregnancy.
when can I test? AF due on 31st O'd on 15th
sore bbs, BBS feel heavy and full, sick feeling in my stomach, tired, mild cramping since O.
Started last night getting up to pee and feeling sick.
EXTREEM hunger that persist.
Strange and very vivid dream that my 13 year old son was pregnant...yes male pregnancy.
when can I test? AF due on 31st O'd on 15th