I am a FTM and I have a boy who is 16 days old. I know newborns are supposed to sleep at least 16 hours a day and I'm worried he's not getting enough sleep. He was napping during the day and sleeping for only an hour or 2 during the night. The last few days he has been sleeping a ton at night (4-5 hours) I give him a bottle then he sleeps for another 3 hours, I nurse him and he'll sleep another 3 hours. Come 11 am or noon and he's wide awake. He nurses about every 2 hours during the day but won't nap. For the most part he looks really alert and is usually pretty content while awake, that is until late afternoon or dinner time. He gets fussy because I assume he is overtired.
I like that he sleeps during the night (I am loving getting some sleep!) but I am concerned he's not getting enough sleep total. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I like that he sleeps during the night (I am loving getting some sleep!) but I am concerned he's not getting enough sleep total. Any suggestions? Thanks!