So I'm going to try and make this post short but still get in all the info lol! I'm just looking for thoughts/advice here
DH & I currently have 2 DD's. Oldest is 8 and youngest is 3. We had sort of talked off and on about whether we wanted more but haven't talked about it in a while and it seems like we're just sort of done at 2. Well we recently had a pregnancy "scare" but ended up not being pregnant. I found myself disappointed the test was negative and had started thinking about wanting to try for #3. I am 31 (DH is 33) and we are more financially stable than with our first two and we have the space in our home. I also work from home now so daycare wouldn't be a factor with this one. For some reason I keep going back and forth and the decision seems impossible for me! I can't imagine not having another one at this point and would be ready to try now if DH was on board but then at the same time, I worry if we could handle 3. 3 seems like so much more than two
I'm also not sure DH wants anymore....he seemed pretty relieved when the test was negative