34weeks 5days and baby Happily in Breach - C Section?


Mummy to 2 gorgeous babies
Feb 8, 2012
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Hi Ladies,

So i saw the MW yesterday and my baby who has happily been headdown through out pregnancy turned about 10days ago and is now in breach. MW missed this at first thinking it was its bottom, only after i insisted that it was too hard and bony and painful (when it pressed outward) to be a bottom did she double check it and check where the heart beat was before she found out it was breach and only recently so from my notes....

MW is concerned that baby might have done this because it is big and not comfy as its head was located deep in my chest. She tried to massage baby to encourage movement to see if it could turn easily, but it didnt budge.

I am severely anaemic and despite taking about 650mg of Iron a day i am still very low, so although MW says I can try a breah delivery she would not advise it as I already get so easily tired from normal things she does not think I will sustain a breach delivery

MW has referred me for a scan to check baby's position on Monday (by which point i will be 35+2) and i go backt o see her on Wednesday to check position and discuss the scan - i am to continue the iron pills for the next six weeks to help the anaemia and depending on how comfortable they judge baby to be and the likelihood of it turning (depending on size, amniotic fluid etc...) she will refer me to Consultant and book in a planned C-section for btwn 38-40weeks. If baby is in breach due to size then she says the earlier they get it out after 37weeks the better to avoid any unnecessary pressure on it's spinal cord as it was already marked as tall baby from the start.

I have found myself going from thinking about natural birth, now to a c-section to now just thinking I really dont mind / care as long as LO comes out well and healthy - i would hate for anything to happen because i was too scared of c-section...the alternative would be to carry on as we are now and hope baby turns on its own in time for a natural delivery...if it doesn't then an emergency C-section will have to be done - which in my mind sounds more scary than a planned section.

Anyone been in this situation before? any tips?

Try not to worry baby still has loads of time to switch back round
II have read posts in here where babies will turn back to head down even at like 38 weeks! So you never know if he/ she might just turn for you. If not, then whatever is safest for baby. If that means c section for you because of whatever they said about spinal column, then in the end it's what was meant to be. As long as your baby is here safe and healthy in your arms. But hoping for things to take a turn for you!
Thanks ladies, i'm hoping for the best too - i think i will go ahead and book the planned c section if it is still breech on Monday...and hope it turns before then
The same happened to me with my first and my second is now following in her brothers footsteps. She has been breach the entire pregnancy practically and until around 34 weeks I was holding out hope and trying all the spinning baby moves. Bu she has no space to turn and when she did she didn't want too. And when I finally wrapped my head around this I felt so much less anxious. Yes hold out hope for sure. Lots of babies turn. But don't do it to the detriment of processing any emotions you have about having a c-section. If you've been set on a natural birth it can be hard to come to terms with the c-section alternative. I think they way you're approaching it is great. Focus on a healthy baby!
My daughter was breach and couldn't turn she had herself tangled up in the cord. Ended up in c section. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully baby turns!!
have you looked at spinningbabies.com?? I would go to your scan monday, if bub is breech book c-section. Planned usually go WAY smoother (and easier recovery i beleive) then emerg ones. Then try the tips on spinningbabies.com to attempt to get bub to flip :) i'd also try to get a re-scan before c-section to confirm breech position at 37/38 weeks if you can.
Thanks ladies bubs is still breech so I'm goin for scan tomoro will keep u all posted..have been tryin all sorts of moves this wkend but the baby says NO...im slowly gettin my head roubd poss planned c section..I think emotionally I'll feel better once I know where I stand
Good luck with everything! I have an appt with the consultant & another scan on Tues as baby is still in breech too :p Am hoping that he will turn around by himself before I need to start thinking about a c-sec!
Good luck with everything! I have an appt with the consultant & another scan on Tues as baby is still in breech too :p Am hoping that he will turn around by himself before I need to start thinking about a c-sec!

Thx..how far along are u? MW says cos of anemia she would advise I plan a c sec rather than leave it to last minute in the hope baby will turn in case it just doesnt want to or it cant...I know it may sound weird but somehow I think I will feel better and more in control if it is planned..than an emergency c sec...the only prob will be if baby turns before c sec date I decide to wait till full term and then it turns back!! Or I just go ahead with whatever is decided now...like one poster said..half the worry is not knowing but once I sort it outin my mind and choose a course of action that should reduce the worry. after 9months of this is aa c sec is the last step u need to take to have a healthy untraumatised baby..then its a little price to pay imo..good luck for tues hun. Hope it all goes well.xxx
Thanks ladies bubs is still breech so I'm goin for scan tomoro will keep u all posted..have been tryin all sorts of moves this wkend but the baby says NO...im slowly gettin my head roubd poss planned c section..I think emotionally I'll feel better once I know where I stand

Good luck tomorrow. One positive of a scheduled c-section is you can count down and KNOW when babe is going to show up for sure!
My second was breech at 35 weeks and she did turn. I ended up with an elective section anyway at 41+1. don't worry if she/he doesn't turn, as long as you get a nice healthy baby and you feel well enough to enjoy it, the mode of delivery is not as important.
Update ladies..just came bk from hospital and baby turned head down...whoop whoop...it feels like ive been on an emotional rollercoaster...it was the weirdest thing ..it turned just before it got scanned.i could feek this massive movement that felt like someone was doing a sommersault and I knew it had turned. Cheeky monkey....hopefully it stays that way...altho tech said it was very active and playful and wouldnt let her measure it properly...thats one less thing to worry about. now but I hope I just stays that way for d next 5weeks... not turnin around again and playin..if its anything as michievous as its father it will probably turn right back in the next 24hrs
Thanks for the support and encouragement...now I know more about a c sec it doesnt seem so dauntin...I will hold out for natural birth but if baby turns again by 38/ 39weeks I will request c sec..thats my plan of action for now..I'd rather planned than emergency if I can help it

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