If he wanted to see his daughter so bad,Wouldn't he be begging and be on my door step? He says he cares, but i fail to see this. They wanted the cot and Lillies blankets back. They have punished Lillie not ME. I think that is really sick. If they cared, wouldn't they be begging to see her? Surely they wouldn't be taking her stuff away. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to buy her a cot when she needs one.And she has several blankets,but that just isn't the point.They bought that cot as a gift to his daughter and his mums grand-daughter,And they've took their grandaughter and daughters bed away for when she's older,to me as a parent, that's appauling.What do you think? They would beg right? If i was a father and i wanted to see my baby.. I'd set a camp up outside there door until theylet me see he/she. Opinions on this please girls. And please no negativity, It has broke my heart enough that they would take her stuff away from her.