40+2 FTM feeling discouraged....please read!


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2011
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Hi ladies. I don't post very often, in fact I haven't posted since we lost our first baby at 13 weeks.

We've come a long way since then and we are currently overdue with our baby boy!
I had a regular prenatal appointment today and th doctor wanted to check for dilation and possibly do a membrane sweep. He wasn't able to do a sweep though because my cervix is high, posterior and not at all dilated. He did say that it was soft though.

I'm just looking for hope/encouragement from anyone who has gone into labour shortly after being 0cm dilated! I really don't want to be induced but my next appointment will involve an NST followed by another cervical exam and of course booking an induction date if baby doesn't arrive by 40+10.

Thanks ladies! I'm just feeling so emotionally defeated right now!
I don't have any experience with this but I wanted to offer support, encouragement, and hugs! I'm sure you've dreamed of this baby for a long time and after losing one (lost one at 6 weeks previous to this pregnancy) I know it makes it even that much more important. But, when you look at the big picture, what is another week or two? You'll be holding a baby soon. And as far an induction, I'm in the same boat, this pregnancy has been filled with ups and downs and I recently found out my ob isn't going to let me go to 40 weeks, she wants to induce me earlier and I was pretty disappointed about it BC I wanted to at least try to do this WO an epidural and knowing that inductions usually cause contractions to be more painful and closer together, I fear not being able to do it. But once again I. The grand scheme of things all that matters to me is that I have a happy healthy baby in the end and however she gets here is a moot point....you know what I mean? Girl, you've made it this far, 9 whole months, you're in the homestretch! So close you could almost smell your baby. Don't get discouraged now, you've done great and you are very close to seeing the fruits of all your hard work! Not to mention, there is a lot of completely natural things you can do yourself to try to help your labour move along! Walking, stairs, sex(has to come inside you and you need to have an orgasm for this one to be effective) nipple stimulation, sitting with your knees lower than your hips, sitting on a chair backwards leaning towards the back, eating pineapple, mango and a few other tropical ones, bouncing on a yoga or birthing ball, bumpy car rides, black cohosh, castor oil, oral or internal evening primrose( gel capsules inserted into vagina over night, it helps to soften cervix), spicy foods, red raspberry leaf tea, senna tea, and I'm sure there are more but that's all I can think of at the moment, lol. Good luck you are so close!
Hi. Just wanted to let you know that I went overdue and eventually had to be induced with my two babies ( one at 40+9 the second at 40+7) no one WANTS to be induced, but I had two vaginal deliveries and all was ok. IF that has to be the route, no worries. I definitely remember the emotional drain every single day overdue can be, so I understand. But looking back Im kinda thankful, I had healthy babies and I would prefer being overdue than having a premature baby. ( if I had to choose) I had friends who have delivered at 32 wkS and another one at 34+ 3 and their babies are ok, but it was a rougher start. So although it totally SUCKS, it's good for baby.

Anyhow, just letting you know that if worst comes to worse, induction eventually isn't a horrible ending, it can work out just fine! Best wishes. Things can change overnight quickly so you just never know!
Best of luck and I hope your little man is here soon! I have read alot of stories on here where people have been so deflated by an internal exam only for things to get going a few days later!
Really, the best you can do is to not worry about it. First time babies are very often late and in my experience, stressing about it doesn't help at all. We lost our first baby too (at about 9 weeks gestation) and I went a grand total of 12 days overdue with the second. Everyone kept saying things like 'but surely you're getting twinges?' - I felt nothing, not a twinge, not an ache - nothing at all until 1am on the day I was 12 days overdue.

I really didn't want to be induced (they induce at 12 days over where I live) but the hospital told me I still had to go in for induction despite having gone into labour naturally. They broke my waters as I was 3cm dilated when they examined me and I didn't get the labour I wanted for various reasons but in the end the baby was fine and I was fine.

This time round I am just telling myself I have a maximum of just under five weeks - I'm not even bothering to think of 40 weeks as being the 'due' date - and if baby number 2 arrives a bit quicker, so much the better, but I am going to try not to get myself stressed about it this time.

Good luck - hope baby appears soon for you.
Btw I left my third sweep appointment (10 days overdue) in tears because I was told there had been no change since the previous sweep about four or five days before. Two days later the baby did start arriving so it's hard to tell what is going to happen.
I gave birth to my first child the same day of my OB appt that revealed I was still closed and long. I went home, ate me a whole pineapple and contractions started immediately afterwards. I hopped on my birth ball and started bouncing. They became closer and harder within an hour so off to the hospital we went. She was born 4 hrs later :) I was told I was no where near labor but 6hrs after my appt she was born :) I was 39 weeks and 4 days along.

Don't get discouraged because it can literally happen so fast. Just have sex, bounce on a birth ball, and eat a pineapple :)
First of all, you're not overdue until you're past 42 weeks. You're full term, but many pregnancies go between 40 and 42 weeks, especially if this is your first.

Second of all, there's no reason to check for dilation and effacement since it can change at the drop of a hat. Even if you were dilated a bit, you could go for a while without being in labour. I was 3cm for 3 weeks in my first pregnancy. Conversely, you can be 0cm and go into labour within hours. So it's completely pointless to even check and just ends up discouraging people.

You don't -have- to consent to the induction. You also have the option of going as long as you want and then doing fetal monitoring past 42 weeks. Inductions are not pleasant and increase your risk of a c-section by a pretty large amount, especially in first time mothers.

Due dates are only an estimate, and when left alone, the average time for a first time mother to go into labour is closer to 41 weeks.
No experience here, but some babies just need more time. Hope you're able to go into labor without an induction. Good luck!

Edit: Oh, and I have no idea if I have experience with this on not because I was never examined for dilation in my first pregnancy. I'd prefer to keep it that way for this one too.
First of all, you're not overdue until you're past 42 weeks. You're full term, but many pregnancies go between 40 and 42 weeks, especially if this is your first.

Second of all, there's no reason to check for dilation and effacement since it can change at the drop of a hat. Even if you were dilated a bit, you could go for a while without being in labour. I was 3cm for 3 weeks in my first pregnancy. Conversely, you can be 0cm and go into labour within hours. So it's completely pointless to even check and just ends up discouraging people.

You don't -have- to consent to the induction. You also have the option of going as long as you want and then doing fetal monitoring past 42 weeks. Inductions are not pleasant and increase your risk of a c-section by a pretty large amount, especially in first time mothers.

Due dates are only an estimate, and when left alone, the average time for a first time mother to go into labour is closer to 41 weeks.

I also want to second everything in this post. It is very important to monitor the baby when you're past due, because if the placenta starts to deteriorate, it will cause problems for your baby; however, if the baby is doing well, an induction may do more harm than good.
Aw don't worry hun baby will arrive soon think you've waited this long at most you will be waiting another week or so hard I know harry was 2 weeks late.
I had 2 sweeps with harry 48 hours apart that's how they do them here and it worked :) but honestly I felt completely normal my cervix was high and posterior I had no twinges nothing but woke up the morning after second sweep had a show and contractions started.
Just think your baby isn't quite cooked yet he just wants to wait a bit longer and why not he's comfy and warm lol
My baby is due tomorrow I doubt she will arrive yet she will probably make me wait which doesn't bother me it's the constant people shouting haven't you had it yet ? Or what no baby that bothers me if I don't lamp someone with a frying pan it will be a miracle !!! ( that includes the husband who is so bloody impatient !!!! )

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