Hey everyone,
How are y'all doing today?
Today is 4 dpiui. Yesterday morning I woke up and looked at the mirror as I was brushing my teeth and was quite surprised to see a big red acne peering back at me. That was quite stunning since its AF who normally brings the acne along with her.
Today I have been peeing like a cow every 30 minutes( I havent had any liquids since my morning coffee mind you). I did have twinges on the right side of my tummy and period like cramps yesterday and early this morning. Apart from that I must say there's nothing much... though the peeing is bothering me a wee bit. My boss gives me awkward glances everytime i walk to the ladies room. Oh yes there are little bouts of headaches too, and some gassy bloated feeling in the tummy, I am just guessing they are inter related.
Sending baby dust to all of you ttc.
Love !