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5 days to go...


Oct 16, 2010
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Does anyone else have this horrid antsy feeling when their testing day is approaching? I've been resisting the urge of testing early but I want to know now!

Hubby and I had good timing on the BD this month and I've been feeling different for the last week and a half or so. I've been more tired than usual, that's for sure. I've also been headache-y. I'm urinating more than normal. Not to mention the fact that my nipples hurt ridiculously bad when just barely touched. I usually have slightly sore breasts right before AF but that's when they're lightly squeezed. This is a worse pain than that, and like I said it's when they're barely brushed with my arm or whatever.

I know if AF rears her ugly head before I can test I'll be upset, it's the monthly ritual of my life. :p And if I do test and get a BFN I don't know how I'll feel because if AF hasn't shown... well, you know. I think I'm just rambling now. I'm wishing for but not getting my hopes up for :bfp:

Now, back to that question, any of you get particularly antsy when it gets close to testing time? How do you deal with it?
Ah hun... I wish I had the answer for ya ;) lol. It sucks!!! That darn TWW!!!! I'm only on 1DPO and already dreading it... lol. I'm usually much more positive the first week too... but the closer it get's... oh, it's tough.

I hear ya though- I don't test early, cause then I'll drive myself nuts wondering what if when I do get a BFN.... so hold out as long as you can girl! You are SO close!!!! If you just can't stand it anymore 2-3 days before AF is due... then a early preg test should do the trick- although they aren't 100%, they are pretty close.

Try to keep busy as much as you can and let it out when you need to. Sounds like you have some promising symptoms... hehe... GOOD LUCK!!!!!
Still 3 days to go til testing. Still have the pain in the breasts and now, I feel nauseous after everything that goes in my stomach. :p How fun! Today I've developed pain in my lower back that started on the left side, moved to the middle then the right and is now back in the middle. This, admittedly, could be due to strenuous activity on my part this morning (my husband is handicapped and I have to get him out of bed. Heavy lifting is dangerous!). I'm just eager, I know. I read any symptoms I have every month and I know I get my hopes up farther than I should. I just feel that I'm running out of time. I'll be 40 next month! Jessylu's BFP right before she turned 40 gives me hope though! Maybe it's my turn... oh how I hope I get a turn!

But there's also this: The thought of being pregnant scares me as much as it excites me. Anyone else in THAT boat? :-D
Hi redfroggy

I can relate to this!! I'm really struggling today and only a few days till testing. Last month I caved in and tested at 11dpo and think I will do the same this time. It's so hard!!!

And when I got the BFP in June (sadly m/c a couple weeks later) my first feelings were pure happiness and excitement - and then a few hours later definitely lots of fear!! I think it's perfectly natural

Fingers crossed for you. Sounds like lots of promising symptoms!! xx
I wish I had the answer, the 2ww really sucks! I hope you get a bfp!
Been without computer for almost a week because we moved. AF visited last Sunday, unfortunately. Sadly, because I'd hurt my back pretty badly on Friday, I didn't even have the energy, physically or emotionally, to get upset. That was my last chance pre-40. I hope it wasn't my last chance at all. :(
I get antsy, but I withheld from testing last cycle, and will do the same this one. Because I'm just getting treatment for my hyptoT, and because my cycle is erratic, I know realize I'll just wait for AF each month, and I'd have to be significantly late (cd36 or later) to test. I tested in September and was "gutted" to see the BFN after symptom spotting, being a little late, and all that jazz. For me, it's best just to wait for AF and not test.

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