Hi all, my Little man was diagnosed with acid reflux (he's 5 months old) about 6 weeks ago. it doesn't seem to bother him much at night time until 4am ish. I am using Avent bottles/ teats (no. 3) and have him on aptimal hungry. He was prescribed Ranitidine 0.5ml initially but rather than another trip to the Dr's ( have a 19 month old who loves to run around much to the receptionists disgust) I uped it to 0.6ml which worked for the last couple of weeks!! But today we are back to square one the screaming the not interested in feeds. He doesn't bring back up much of the bottle as he suffers with silent reflux but I can smell the acid from his stomach from his breath. I really want to help my little man and will be going to the doctors in the morning to see if medically I can do. But can anyone recommend formulas, bottles, teats that worked best for them. He is in no way constipated. I also want to start weaning him but not sure whats the best starter food and whats definatly a no no!!!