It seems strange that my 7 month old still hasn't/can't roll over. I think he may have rolled over once from tummy to back, but it was probably a fluke. Then he kinda rolled over from back to tummy, but he was propped up when he did it, and on my bed, so it was easier. Not sure if that even counts. Both times happened sometime between 5 months and 6 months, but nothing since.
It certainly isn't for lack of trying. He makes every effort to push and lean and props his leg out, pushing like crazy, but alas - he can't make it work! I feel so bad for him.
He is scooting backwards in an effort to move forwards, which frustrates him even more as he tries to head toward the object of his desire. It's cute when he sees mommy (if he's playing with daddy) because as I come into view, he will get down on his belly and try to come after me, but it's all in vain.
How concerned should I be about the rolling over thing? I forgot to mention it to the doctor at the well baby visits (man, I need to write everything down!) and the next one is not until August. Should I wait or should I call them?
It certainly isn't for lack of trying. He makes every effort to push and lean and props his leg out, pushing like crazy, but alas - he can't make it work! I feel so bad for him.
He is scooting backwards in an effort to move forwards, which frustrates him even more as he tries to head toward the object of his desire. It's cute when he sees mommy (if he's playing with daddy) because as I come into view, he will get down on his belly and try to come after me, but it's all in vain.
How concerned should I be about the rolling over thing? I forgot to mention it to the doctor at the well baby visits (man, I need to write everything down!) and the next one is not until August. Should I wait or should I call them?