Hi everyone! I've never gone and registered on a forum before but I thought this would be a good place to start. I am 7dpo and took Clomid 100mg for the first time after taking 50mg with no O. We have been unofficially TTC for almost 3 years with not one pregnancy. This cycle I pulled out all the stops... Pre-Seed, OPK's and I started temping. I noticed a dip at O (day 11of cycle) then my temps went up, but 6DPO my temps dropped almost a degree and have stayed that way. I have been experiencing night sweats (although they have lessened as of last night) I never got EWCM, hence the Pre-Seed and now have a stuffy nose, weird vivid dreams and mild cramping. It's obviously too early to test and after the temp drop I'm not holding out hope for a BFP but am more wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this. Baby dust to everyone!