8 dpo, frustrated and emotional!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2012
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Ok ladies, I feel like I'm losing it. I'm 8 dpo today..caved and tested and got another bfn. I'm so sick of ppl telling me its all in my head and I need to be "patient" I've been crying at the drop of a hat the past two days and feel like a bloated cow. I'm starting to lose hope, no sign of ib, but other signs are def here. I just needed to vent!! Anyone else feel the same?
May not be what you want to hear but I want to provide you with a little encouragement. 8 DPO is a bit early for some to get a BFP. In fact many don't get their positive until the day of or days after their missed AF. I get the being emotional ... we all really want this so don't feel like you're alone in that aspect. Please, try not to stress, and plan to retest. :hugs:
Thank u (: i feel like this is the only place where people really understand my feelings!
Oh yeah, we all do. By the way, I am 8 DPO as well. I suspect that I will know on way or the other by 10 - 12 DPO. I'm not counting myself out and neither should you!
i totally feel you there,and i hate getting let down after getting a bgn im 7 dpo and i got a fn but to make this worse i just know im pregnant,i get negative test but i feel something move inside me,and i still get blood every months but the kicks her hardy every month,or im pregnant or dying but the dr always just send me home,and everyone calls me crazy
8dpo and nothing but crazy here too girl! Stark white BFN this morning, yet tons of crazy symptoms! Excited to hear of everyones BFPs asap!
I am 8dpo today too! I have been having sore nipples for two days and been emotional/moody. I have people tell me that "O its just your first month of trying you havr time." I know I do but I want to be pregnant now!

IPOS this am and yesterday just because I cant help it and BFN, I feel that I am pregnant because my boobs/nipples never ever hurt (not even before my AF). My family has told me that I must be pregnant because of my attitude lol. I just have wanted this for so long, and I want this to be it.
It's only my first month too so I understand where u r coming from! Today I have felt less symptoms then the past few days, but work was also insane today so I had very little time to pay attention to my body. Do you ladies know much about how having/not having ib effects bfp?
I am 8dpo today too! I have been having sore nipples for two days and been emotional/moody. I have people tell me that "O its just your first month of trying you havr time." I know I do but I want to be pregnant now!

IPOS this am and yesterday just because I cant help it and BFN, I feel that I am pregnant because my boobs/nipples never ever hurt (not even before my AF). My family has told me that I must be pregnant because of my attitude lol. I just have wanted this for so long, and I want this to be it.

My attitude is how my mom knew I was pregnant the first time. It was terrible and the teensiest little thing made me angry!

It's only my first month too so I understand where u r coming from! Today I have felt less symptoms then the past few days, but work was also insane today so I had very little time to pay attention to my body. Do you ladies know much about how having/not having ib effects bfp?

Implantation bleeding is not that common. It only happens for 20-30% of women and not necessarily in each of their pregnancies. Not having it is definitely not an indicator that you won't get a BFP. I did not have it :).

Good luck!
9 dpo..tested again with fmu. Bfn :( I know its prbly still too early but I think I've become a test addict! Ugh.
that's only going to make it worse and stressful,don't test until after missed period,less money and less feeling shitty every time you test,i was like that too but it did not help me at all.
Oh my goodness, I am exactly the same!! 8dpo today and feeling quite a few symptoms. Yesterday I had a wave of nausea and dizziness and had to run to the bathroom...upset stomach :wacko: I've had a headache for the past two days, af type pains front and back and heavy feeling in lower abdomen and also peeing quite a lot.
I've done 3 tests and all bfn...just really wish it would show that second pink line!! The problem is though, I only came off the pill (mini pill) recently and did not get a period but pretty sure I ovulated due to the EWCM i had (tmi!!).
Fingers crossed for all of us :winkwink:
I just got off bcp as well so I know how u feel. Everyone keeps saying that im just psyching myself out and I'm prbly not pregnant and I need to wait and blah blah. But I'm hoping they r wrong and my body going crazy is right.
Interesting that you've also just come off bcp! Did u have a withdrawl bleed at all?
I had my normal bleed I always have every month on the pill, no spotting since I went off. I did have ewcm as well.. but ppl keep saying my body is reacting to not being on bc anymore but then I read its out of ur body within days so idk. How has ur body reacted?
Hi, I am 9 to 10 dpo ( not exactly sure) so I am in the 2ww but the difference is, I am hoping I am not pregnant. ( In college). I wish you guys all the best and I hope any glimmer of baby dust I have is sent to you all! I don't mean to offend anyone by posting in here when you guys are trying hard to conceive. I just wanted to share because the 2ww can be just as stressful when you do NOT want a baby. I hope you all get the outcome you want. (I took plan B, but I think I ovulated before so I don't think it will work)

1)I have sore breasts - could be due to plan b
2) cramping- very light light cramps, I had one intense cramping/pressure in the morning at 5/6 dpo
3) vivid dreams - 3 nights in a row. Not that vivid but I am remembering them and I usually rarely remember my dreams

My vivid dreams are the thing that is really scaring me because cramping/ sore breasts could be due to plan b.

I have light watery CM- nothing that gets on my undies ( SORRY TMI) but is there when I wipe.
Hopefully you ladies don't mind me chiming in:) I completely understand how stressful it is ttc. My Hubby and I have been ttc for over 3 years with no BFP ever:( I'm also around 10-11 dpo. I keep poas (negative of course) then go back in a few hours thinking it'll change to + lOl. I just found out one of my friends who was not ttc and on IUD is pregnant...it's so aggrivating when ppl that don't want to have a baby get pregnant just like that and all of us that pray for and would give the world to be pregnant struggle so hard:/ hopefully we get our BFP this month:):)
Hopefully you ladies don't mind me chiming in:) I completely understand how stressful it is ttc. My Hubby and I have been ttc for over 3 years with no BFP ever:( I'm also around 10-11 dpo. I keep poas (negative of course) then go back in a few hours thinking it'll change to + lOl. I just found out one of my friends who was not ttc and on IUD is pregnant...it's so aggrivating when ppl that don't want to have a baby get pregnant just like that and all of us that pray for and would give the world to be pregnant struggle so hard:/ hopefully we get our BFP this month:):)

I can understand how you feel! I apologize if it was insensitive to post on here considering I am not wanting a baby. I am just really worried, I am only 18 - so this has been the longest wait of my life.
@ Jacqui210, my body seemed fine. I was on the mini pill and was never supposed to have a period whilst on it although I did have a small bleed every month or so but nothing major. But since coming off the pill, I have not had a bleed!! I also had the EWCM and the ovulation type cramping and sore boobs so that's how I thought it must be ovulation...today is 9dpo of me and last night again I had some af type pain in back and front and felt a bit sick. This morning I've woken up with a headache and sensitive abdomen.....I just wish I knew already if it is or not...we want this so much!!!!!

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