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9, 10 & 11 months your babies menu


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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Ok so Miss Caitlin is turning 9 months some may have read shes been fussy with her bottles with me for a lil while so I'm exploring how many bottles to drop now I'm unsure.

I'm curious of 9 months onwards where your babies were or are at & a question at the end.

Old menu ...each bottle would be between 3-8oz mainly between 3-5oz
Morning - bottle what she would not take mixed with baby cereal after an hour or nap if she drops off toast
Afternoon - Bottle & fruit puree or yoggy
Inbetween - attempt of very diluted juice (never very interested) & organix carrots stix
Dinner time - Bottle half hour later food & an after of a baby biccie
Bedtime - bottle

Plan WAS morning bottle brekkie, 12 ish sarnie fruit juice, 3 bottle, 5 dinner & snack (carrot stix or biccie), bed bottle
Morning - bottle 6oz followed by ready brek and full fat milk
Napped later in morning so she woke up it was ...
afternoon - dairylea sarnie, fruit jar, juice which she took plenty of
3 came she'd not long finished :dohh:
so 4 - bottle *now stuck coz shes full of juice with late lunch/juice*
6 ish dinner Jar food & carrots stix
Bedtime - bottle

Morning - full 8oz bottle then toast
12.30 onwards dairylea sarnie, 2 Petit Filous yogs, carrots stix, juice (which she drank most of between sips/drinks)
5.30 dinner jar followed by 1 Petit Filous yog & cucumber strips for finger food shortly after
bedtime - 5oz bottle

So todays no improvement on bottle other than morning bottle bedtime 5oz plenty of yoggys? Also drinking very watery juice which tbh she had NO interest before so shes showing interest now and her wee was starting to smell.

Sorry its long any Mums advice would be really apprieciated x

What would you stick to?
Yesterdays menu sounds pretty good hun
personally i would leave a bottle in at dinner time, bottle then lunch if she will take it
I would give the carrot stix as a mid afternoon snack with water/juice.

If i remember rightly Jack was just after 1 when he went down to 2 bottles

and even now he has milk in the morning and just before bed (full fat)

what milk is she on hun?
Yesterdays meun does sound good, but I was having the same problem with Dec, I actually posted here and got some good advice which I worked with he is now taking between 17-20ozs of formula a day, which they should until 1 year old, before he was only having a morning and night bottle, I find that if I put an oz or 2 of full-fat milk in with his formula he is more willing to take it.
Stu pointed out my dinner bits didn't look like she actually had a dinner jar and she did lol so added that in.

The prob with the yesterday menu is her juice and lunch filled her up that she wasn't fussed with milk before dinner yet before that day she wasn't taking juice and she needs to.

Try again today with milk between lunch and dinner maybe even she takes a couple of oz its all good huh!
Shes on cow & gate however shes changing over to hipp 6mnth+ today to see if it helps with reflux
I would stick to yesterdays menu and replace the juice with either formula as a drink or full fat milk ....you could also make her some custard to serve with her fruit to boost the calcium further

Katie has about 22-24 oz's a milk a day using the method I layed out in your other thread...she has a jar for brekkie as she hates ready brek and weetabix then toast...then has a lunch jar with 1-2 yogurts then about an hour later she'll have a sandwich with anything in it from egg, ham, cheese spread. Then about 4.30 -5 she'll have a biscuit and some rice cakes. Then she has her dinner which is either mash, cauliflower and cheese (her favourite) or chicken with veggies or beef with veggies and she has been known like yesterday to eat some baked beans after her dinner with some fish finger (she loved these) I give her milk at 7-8 then again at 12.30-1 then about 7-8pm.
This one:
Plan WAS morning bottle brekkie, 12 ish sarnie fruit juice, 3 bottle, 5 dinner & snack (carrot stix or biccie), bed bottle
Morning - bottle 6oz followed by ready brek and full fat milk
Napped later in morning so she woke up it was ...
afternoon - dairylea sarnie, fruit jar, juice which she took plenty of
3 came she'd not long finished https://www.babyandbump.com/../images/smilies/doh.gif
so 4 - bottle *now stuck coz shes full of juice with late lunch/juice*
6 ish dinner Jar food & carrots stix
Bedtime - bottle

- my problem is her water intake she wasnt having any causing smelly wee poss water infections from this I was told?
did you send a sample in? I'd give milk first then food and with food water/juice then. I find Katie does better in the evening if I feed her the 1st 2 feeds closish together and have a longer gap in the afternoon, if that makes sense :D
So it went ok!

Morning - 8oz she had
11am - Toast
Afternoon lunch - Dairylea sarnies, carrot stix & a yoggy + juice
3pm - bottle took 3oz
Napped for 45 mins/1 hr
4pm - Gave her more bottle - took 3oz more
Evening dinner - Jar & yoggy then plain biccies about 1 hr later + juice
Bedtime - 6oz bottle
Olivas a month younger than Caitlin. This is her routine which shes been on since 6months.

7am-Wake up, has a bottle (upto 7oz)
8.30am-Brekki, usually has a weetabix with full fat milk & a petits filous
9.30am-has a nap
12.30pm-Dinner, eg jar of food & dessert
4.30pm-Bottle (upto 7oz)
6.30pm-Dinner, has some of ours & a dessert, also finger foods.

Reason why shes has a bottle at 4.30pm instead of tea is cos we eat at 6.30pm so we would like her to get in that routine. I have tried the other way round but she will refuse a bottle before bed.
Also the HV said they need 1 portion of meat aday & 21oz of milk aday.
I offer her water, she will not drink juice & hardley touches the water.
From the HiPP Organic guide I got in the post (can be found somewhere on the HiPP website too I think);

By 9 Months;
Three meals a day plus milk feeds

Breakfast - small bowl of cereal. Piece of toast, plus milk feed.
Lunch - Savoury meal, followed by fruit or dessert, plus drink.
Tea - Savoury meal or sandwich, yogurt dessert or fruit, plus milk feed.


I find Ryan will usually take a bottle well when he has first woken up, and then I give him his breakfast a little later, maybe around 10. From then until bed, he'll usually just bit and bob a bottle, and then have a nearly full one just before he goes to bed. If I'm worried he isn't having enough milk, I'll give him a Heinz powdered meal made up with milk - he really likes the cauliflower and broccoli cheese one, and I add extra cheese to this. x
So it went ok!

Morning - 8oz she had
11am - Toast
Afternoon lunch - Dairylea sarnies, carrot stix & a yoggy + juice
3pm - bottle took 3oz
Napped for 45 mins/1 hr
4pm - Gave her more bottle - took 3oz more
Evening dinner - Jar & yoggy then plain biccies about 1 hr later + juice
Bedtime - 6oz bottle

:wohoo: thats fantastic, 20 oz's:happydance:
Oliver has a piece of toast with cheese spread and a small bowl of cereal for breakfast plus 7oz bottle

Lunch is a sandwich followed by either fruit, rice cakes, carrot sticks or rusks plus 5oz bottle

Tea is whatever i'm having or a savoury jar followed by yogurt, banana or a jar of pudding.

7oz bottle before bed.

Although he's starting wakin at 3am for a milk feed...so unsure how to stop this!! x

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