9wk old feeding 2hrly


proud new mummy
Mar 21, 2012
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Hi, my 9wk old is very slowly gaining weight, shes in the 9th centile. I was told by hv to feed her 2hrly and top up with expressed milk or formula if shes still hungry. Is it possible to Increase the time between feeds without affecting her weight? If so how do I do it without affecting my supply? Xxx
How are her diapers? What # of wet and dirties is she having each day? Some babies just gain weight slowly. Someone has to be in the first centile, if that makes sense. Being small isn't necessarily a reason to top up.
Are you feeding on demand? I would say that every 2 hours at 9 weeks (from start of feed to the start of the next feed) is actually a longer interval between feeds than average. You'll find that lots of babies are still nursing more frequently than that at that age.
I wouldn't try to increase the time between nursing sessions, especially if you're worried about weight gain. Just feed on demand at the early signs of hunger. Rooting, turning head from side to side, sucking on their hands, smacking lips, etc. Pretty much any movement for us at that age meant he wanted to nurse. It's really difficult in the beginning because it seems like you're just nursing all the time, but I promise it gets easier. She'll eventually learn how to nurse more efficiently and you won't be stuck on your bum quite so much.
I change her nappy every feed so I would say up to 12 wet nappies a day and she poos every other day one massive one or a couple of smaller ones. Im feeding 2hrly timed from the begining of the feed which can take up to 40mins. She is a diddy girl im 5'6 as is dh, that may be why she's in the 9th. I just find it such a mine field and my hv makes me feel inadequate over her slow weight gain. I domobviously feed her when inthink shes hungry but this averages 2hrs sometimes less, inthought by now though she should be lasting a bit longer?
If she's having that many wet diapers in a day and she's not losing weight, you really probably don't need the top ups. 5-6 wet diapers in a day is sufficient. I'd stay off of formula at any rate because formula supplementation will cause your supply to decrease.
2- hourly breastfeeds is great at this age. Most babies don't space them out farther than that until much older. There's a range of 'normal' and some babies do go every 3 hours early on (though I'd say that's the minority), but what works for your baby can really only be determined by her.
Thank you mummy jogger its been so confusing every h v tells me different things im about ready to stop listening! I use cloth nappies so probably change her more frequently tha a disposables user. She sleeps through the night now 4-5hrs so I must be getting g enough into her!
If you can I would have a skin to skin day, try breast compressions to boost what she has in a feed & if she is still hungry after feeding then feed her more to boost supply.

I am sure some hvs forget all their bf training!!

Thank you, how do I do breast compressions? I will try a skin to skin day, we do co sleep some nights. Do you think 15mins each side should be sufficient? Or does it depend on if shes satisfied? So many question sorry!
My almost 5 month old still feeds every 2 hours day and night. She's on the 11th centile. Hv isn't worried as long as she stays on that line. She said they'd be just as concerned over a huge sudden leap as they would by a drop. I don't switch sides whilst feeding unless she really starts fussing even after being burped. That way I know she's getting all the hindmilk abd not just foremilk from both sides. x
After the initial let down (when your lo has finished gulping) when your lo is sucking you cup your breast (so if she is feeding from the left side you would cup the right side of your left boob) and squeeze. Then when she stops sucking you stop squeezing.. And continue lol have a google for pictures :flower:

Does your lo come off after 15 mins or do you take her off? I would keep feeding until she is satisfied

She slides off or looses suction, i usually try to encourage her to relatch but she ends up pulling nipple back and that really kills so I put her on other side and sometimes try her back on first side once shes calmed down a bit!
My LO was a slow gainer, it took him 3 weeks to gain his birthweight. I was having problems with him sleeping at each feed.

Do you have a good pump? I offered 1 oz of expressed milk after most feeds for 2 weeks and he started gaining. He is now feeding better so I no longer need to suppliment.

I nurse on demand so he feeds every 45mins-3hrs. I let him decide when he is done and then switch sides.

Hope this helped.
I personally wouldn't supplement sounds like there is no need. Also not sure what size your baby was when born but if they were on a lower centile they cannot be expected to jump up the chart, this is highly unlikely to happen! Some HVs think the charts are a competition to try and get on to the 50th centile or above xx
Thanks for the input ladies. She was 7.5lb when born we dropped to nearly 9% after birth due to latch issues then took 3wks to regain birth weight so her weight has been a worry for me her whole life im starting to trust her and myself to know when shes done now. Its been such a worrying 9wks. Im going to only supplement with breast milk now xxx

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