I know, I will be happy either way, whether boy or girl too! Though, I have to admit the more I feel it's a boy, the more I want it to be a boy, but I'm not sure if that's just because that's how I envision my baby now. As we aren't actually finding out the gender it'll be up for guesses.

However, if I do see something that looks like a clear indicator to me, I will def let you know. ;-) I didn't know that about dreaming of one gender meaning you'll have the opposite, so that's pretty cool to learn. There are so many old wives tales and I love to hear about them. lol. So far I haven't had any dreams of my own child. I keep dreaming that someone randomly gives me their teenage kids and I end up protecting them...it's kinda weird. lol. Still, pretty awesome that you have dreamt of the baby at all. Glad to hear you have a journal! I will look forward to reading it and will definitely follow it. I write in mine quite a bit but usually it seems to be all for myself too. My last one was a vent-fest and really that was all for me.

It's a nice place to share the good and get rid of the stress. You're welcome for the guess and love the gender reveal photo session idea! Super awesome!