I agree with the other girls.
CB does cover the general stuff very well and as I get mine 4 weekly I buy enough to last those 4 weeks and buy everything else he might need at the same time.
5 tins of formula = 5 x 7.50 = £37.50 (only really need 4 but always good to have extras and once I have a cupbard full of extras I can afford to spend this money on something else that month)
2/3 Packs of nappies (always on offer somewhere) = £20
Wipes, Sudocrem, nappy bags, toiletries = £10
Clothes, bibs, cloths, anything else = £10
TOTAL = £77.50
You will need to factor in costs as the get older - more clothes, proper shoes, car seat, highchair, toys, etc etc but I have put these into things like Christmas for the first year as Earl wont know that he got a highchair for Christmas! lol Also, when weaning they will need special food (baby rice, pasta etc) but this can be factored into your own shopping eventually.
Babies are only as expensive as you make them. Supermarket own is fine for most things and are half the price! Always say yes if people offer to buy (parents etc will love going to buy nappies if asked!!) and accept any donations. Ebay is a godsend!! and charity shops are good too! Pus it's a challenge working to a budget...or am I just a bit weird!!?