I went to see the gynocologist yesterday and we were chatting about what's been happening with me since I last went which was a while ago so explained about all my losses and she asked at what stages they were and asked if I had tried to lose weight to which I replied yes but dont seem to be able to lose weight that easy or keep it off and she came out and said well your not likely to be able to lose weight easily with pcos!!!! I was like
I knew something was wrong and thought it was pcos but no-one seemed to want to tell me it was pcos. I wanted to know how long you girls had to wait til you had treatment for pcos through meds. They took full bloods yesterday and said they will be sending me for a scan as I did have a polyp last year which could have grown or completely dissapeard they want to check this. So dont know if they are waiting for the blood results and scan results til they get me on meds or what? Thanks Girls xxxx