advice please


Army Wife, Mam & BFP
Feb 15, 2009
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ok so im in hospital, lost plug ad had back ache yest 1st thing went to mw, and was having contractions every 6 mins, rushed to nicosia hos for trace , scan and internal

ok . so.... contractions have been stopped via a drip, been given steriod jabs for nudgers lungs and anti biotics to try and prevet ifection, bak ache is just that, back ache, but as ive lost some hind waters and my plug, im to stay in hospital in nicosia until i have nudger - who will be here by 35w at the lastest as theres a risk of infection,

nudger is measuring at 32w, by my workings im 31+5 so im happy nudger measurin on the bigger side weight is apx 3lb8

what can i expet to happen - anyne got similar experience?

hubbys bought me a laptop and dongle to get internet access to pass the time,

cypriot hospitals are more laid back bout phone ad dogle usage thnk god
I didn't have exactly the same experience in terms of waters breaking etc, but I was in hospital with bleeding at 26 weeks then on and off until 29 weeks when they went in to take her out after my waters broke and I had a big bleed. I'd had the steroids at 26 weeks too.

It is scary isn't it. I did the same thing and got the laptop and dongle too. Just stay away from Google - you'll get far too many horror stories and it is difficult to separate the fact from the emotion.

What I can say is, you've got a good gestation and a good weight. Abby was 3lbs 7oz when she was born and I really think this helped her. She had few problems really, she just had to get bigger. Her lungs were fine. She was ventilated as a precaution but didn't really need it.

Having had the steroids, and some time to work on them, your LO's lungs will have been given a good boost too.

Of course there is no "typical" preemie and there are no guarantees, but the statistics are definitely on your side.

I'm not sure if you have been told you're on strict bedrest or not, but you need to talk to someone from NNICU and have a tour of the unit if you can. Even knowing your LO is coming early, seeing them in the unit for the first wee while is a real shock. Having an idea of what to expect will help with that. The Bliss website will give you some great information too.

Also, as you've got plenty time on your hands, have a look through our "introduce your preemie" thread. Seeing the babies first born, and how they've grown, should give you hope for your LO.

Good luck and keep us informed of progress. We're all here for you if you need any help.
well i am not sure what to tell you because i had my little guy @ 25 weeks, but with your baby's weight and gestational age (if you deliver now) you should not spend to much time int eh NICU. bub's will probably need to stabilize breathing may need a little assistance or non @ all right after birth every baby is different, bubs will also need to gain weight to get to a discharge weight not sure what it is in your Country, but all in all you have done well mamma hang in their LO
morning girls,
6:30 check and all seems gd, my pulse 113 my bp 121/71 nudger hb 150-155 (from what i i observed) i was in the middle of a good cry durng this check too . . i really miss being with david . . .

cant shower til this drip is stopped - but managed to get a body wash with a flannel in the sink - feel a bit more human, but would kill for a long hot soak in a bath - which i cat for infection .. so a shower would b gd, my hair is manky, i NEED to shave, and these damn beds are sooo bad my hips n lower bk are aching - which is also where i was feelin some contractions so im tryin to keep an aye on it, and not keep asking for paracetamol - just incase its more than back ache at any point .....

drs do rounds at about 9am so will try and assertain what limitations im under - ive pretty much glued myself to my bed - cept for loo trips, - its hard with a language barrier - might ring my usual MW on the garrison and ask her for some advice . .

My situation was slightly different in that I was admitted at 26+5 with pre eclampsia and had an emergency c-section at 27 weeks exactly.

I would definitely agree to stay away from google, and also to get a tour of the neonatal unit if you can. We had a tour the day I was admitted, and we also had one of the paediatricians come and talk to us to tell us the kind of things we could expect (obviously in very general terms), and that really helped.

It's good that you have had the steroids - they make such a difference. I had those, and on the scan the next day, the sonographer said she could see the baby practising breathing, which was amazing to see. She said that was because of the steroids.

Sophie was just 1lb 13 when she was born but she really had very few problems. She had one little eye infection which they said was caused probably by either the CPAP or the eye examinations that she had to get, and one blood transfusion, which perked her up no end. She was breathing on her own for half an hour when she was born then got tired and was put on a ventilator for a day. She was back on the ventilator when she was a couple of weeks old but other than that, just CPAP. We had no other problems at all.

Sophie came home 6 days before her due date, after 12 weeks in hospital, weighing 5lb 6. She's now 6 months old and weighs 11lb 4 and she is really thriving.

I hope you manage to stay sane in there - good that you have the internet etc though, that was a life saver for me! Think I'd have gone nuts without that and my phone!

You are at a good gestation though - they say that every day inside counts, and when you see babies doing well even as early as 24-25 weeks, it's very encouraging to have got those extra few weeks on your side.

Good luck and keep us posted :) xxxxx
had drip detatched this am, but canula left in - now i take anti b's orally along wth anti contraction drugs, traces yet showed no contractions, and today trace from 12 - 12:45 showed no contractions, plenty movements and gd heartbeat, just bidin my time, as im here til nudger arrives - wether that be by their choice or them inducing at some point due to infection - or making it to 35w
I had my Little boy at 35 wks due to different reasons to yours, he was born weighing 4lbs 15oz and spent 28 days on nicu due to breathing problems and severe allergys i think it depends on the baby to be honest with you and how well they can fight. The longer he is inside you the better my son was my 4th prem baby my others were born at 32 wks, 28 wks,32 wks and there conditions all varied. xx
im soo pissed off right now!!! have rang mrs to get english mw to ring me back to talk to me, cos right now i want to swear at the drs here - but they wouldnt have a fucking clue what im saying, b@stards

had dif dr come round at 3:30 - telling me i havnt lost waters at all, ad i stay a few days and we'll see!!! wtf!!! i have lost, i havent lost, i ave lost, i havent lost ..... ake up your fuckng minds cos this stress isnt fuking good for me,

so everything is bk up in the air and im stressed to fuck!

theyve had me terrified my baby could come any day, then no later than 35 weeks then todays dr says no waters have gone and i may be home in a day or two!

i want to cry! fuck it i am crying and i dont care who sees or hears or if they ty to tell me not to - cos right now i need to
Oh dear! What a crappy time to have of it. Good news that you may not have lost all your waters, but terrible that you have had to go through all that.

Fingers crossed you're feeling better by now.

Doctors really can be the worst can't they! I had a similar thing with my first hospital stay. I was 600 miles from home and just wanted to get back there. They at first said when I had 24hours free of bleeding I could go, then it was 48, then it was 72, then someone said I might be in til she was born. Finally we got to see a real consultant and not just a locum and I was able to convince her to let me go home. :dohh:
managed to get some answers - they want me to stay til ive had baby whenever that may be - will get a scan wed/thurs to check fluid levels again - staying put is fine by me boriing but fine , im just glad theyve made a sodding decision - full updates in my journal - thanks for the support xxx

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