We all know a little about each other; but nothing about each other's OH/DH and they generally play a huge role. Thought it would be fun knowing a little about each other's OH/DH too.
Your OH/DH's Name?
His Age-Birthday-Zodiac Sign?
When and how did you both meet?
Your relationship status?
How long have you been together?
Give your OH/DH a nickname and explain why you picked it.
Describe him in one word.
What was your first impression when you met him?
What reminds you of your OH/DH?
If you could give him anything what would it be?
When's the last time you saw him?
Ever wanted to tell him something but couldn't?
What's his best quality?
One thing you don't like about your OH/DH?
One thing you love about him?
One thing in the world you would rather hurt him for.
On 10 cm scale, measure your love for your OH/DH.
Your OH/DH's Name?
His Age-Birthday-Zodiac Sign?
When and how did you both meet?
Your relationship status?
How long have you been together?
Give your OH/DH a nickname and explain why you picked it.
Describe him in one word.
What was your first impression when you met him?
What reminds you of your OH/DH?
If you could give him anything what would it be?
When's the last time you saw him?
Ever wanted to tell him something but couldn't?
What's his best quality?
One thing you don't like about your OH/DH?
One thing you love about him?
One thing in the world you would rather hurt him for.
On 10 cm scale, measure your love for your OH/DH.