Almost 3 months PP and still having pelvic pain - post epidural concerns


Mommy to 3!!
Jul 6, 2012
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I need some help and I can't find the answers anywhere else and I'm too scared to go to a neurologist to be honest so I've been putting it off..

Our son will be 3 months old on Nov 4th, and the first month I expected to be having pain in my hips, groin and inner thighs still, he's my 3rd child and I had my 1st naturally with an epidural and the healing process was quick and I was up with NO pain after the first month. My second child I had an emergency C-section, again with epidural, but never any pelvic pain after his birth, just c-section pain... now my 3rd son was a VBAC, went well aside for a few things but the most painful part wasn't giving birth, it was getting the epidural.

It was a terrible shooting pain down both my legs that I've never felt before, I was crying in the nurses arms when she was holding my shoulders, but once it kicked in it went away and I was relaxed and the rest of the birth went well for the most part.

But today almost 3 months PP, it still feels like I gave birth YESTERDAY.

I can't sit up in bed without winching, I sometimes pull myself up on the counter so I can reach things on top shelves (because I'm short) but the pain is so intense in my upper inner thighs, it takes every ounce in me not to scream. I can't even have relations with my husband anymore, it hurts to much to move my legs. I'm so stressed out about this and I was praying that it was just because I'm 28 and it's going to take more time for me to heal compared to when I was 20 and had my daughter.

I brought it up with my doctor and I was expecting him to tell me that it was due to me still healing, but he told me it was most likely damage that could have been caused by the epidural and he wants me to see a neurologist. I was shocked and told him I never even thought of that and I don't know if I should and he's telling me that if I want to give it more time then I can, but if I want a referral to a neurologist then to just call in to get one.... and this during my 6 week PP appointment... so now about a month and a half later nothing's changed...

Again, I'm too scared to see a neurologist, I don't even know what he could do. Nerve damage is nerve damage, there's nothing to fix to that and any surgery that has to do with the neck, head or back area is an absolute NO in my book, I've never had that serious a surgery, in fact aside from my c-section, the worst surgery I've had is a deviated septum surgery in my nose and a D&E for a blighted ovum before my daughter was conceived, that's it and doctors around here push that kind of surgery on people.

Has anyone else gone through this pain, this long after birth? :(
I haven't myself, but a friend, three years after having her baby, started having pain in her back and down her legs. Sounded a bit like sciatica but her chiropractor thinks it may be from her epidural, even though it was a while ago. I'm sorry I can't be of any help really. And I'm really sorry to hear you're going through this. I hope you get some answers. Unfortunately I think you'll probably have to see that neurologist to get them. :(
Thanks, and I kind of expected not to get too many answers as I can't find any online either from anyone else complaining of the same thing, I just keep finding people talking about directly after birth pain, which of course you'll have pain, lol, pushing a baby the size of a watermelon isn't going to be a cake walk, but I can't find anyone complaining of the same pain months down the road, it's all just within the first few weeks :(

I have an appointment in December to see my OB again, if this pain persists I'll probably mention it again then... in the meantime, I really don't want to add anymore stress. Taking care of 3 kids, balancing school, baton lessons, soccer and after church programs is enough of a challenge, and with all these up coming holidays, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, blah, I don't want to be worrying about a doctor trying to push surgery on me, which is what I'm mentally preparing for if I see this neurologist my OB suggested :( and it's not like they can fix me if it's just nerve damage, that's not going to fix itself and they can't fix it either :p just something you have to live with
I never had any complications with my epi. However, I suggest you get checked out. I know you are scared, but that is the ONLY way you will get some REAL answers. The only thing people online can do is guess and throw darts at a dart board. Not to mention very little people on these boards are actually medical professionals.

Good luck hun, I hope things work out for you.

By the way, I had a pinched nerve in my lower back when I was around 20 (I am 27 on November 3rd). It felt similar to what you are describing. Felt to me like knives stabbing up my legs and lower back. Just some food for thought.
In had similar pain on my left side, and was diagnosed with sciatica. After about a month it went. 2 months later it came back in the right side. Exactly the same pain. Returned to the gp and he said it wasn't sciatica as it doesn't switch sides, and he's diagnosed pelvic girdle pain. I didn't think you could get it without being pregnant, but my Dr assured me you can still get it after birth, even if you didn't suffer throughout pregnancy. (My son is 4 months) He's certain it's nothing epidural related. He's prescribed painkillers and referred me for physio. When he diagnosed PGP, I googled the symptoms and they were exactly what I was experiencing. Still waiting for my physio appointment but over the past month, it's began to ease on its own. I'm hoping it continues to do so.
If you had this while the epidural was going in, I'd be inclined to think it was damage to a nerve and I'd honestly go see the neurologist. I know if there is nerve damage, then it's permanent but once a nerve is damaged, it could degenerate faster if not tended to. They may tell you surgery is needed but it may be something physical therapy could help with. At the very least, the dr may be able to prescribe a medication to help with the pain-a muscle relaxer or a pain killer maybe? Wouldn't it be better to know for sure what's causing this? And even if the dr says surgery is needed, there's nothing that says you have to have the surgery, right?

I say this because I have a family member dealing with constant pain from a damaged nerve in her back due to a ruptured disc in her back. She wasn't able to have surgery before the disc ruptured as she was pg at the time and by the time she delivered, it was too late. The damage was done. Now, she's looking at a future spinal fusion surgery and has permanently numb toes/sciatic nerve pain because of her back. She always has said she wishes she could have had something done sooner because it would have lessened the damage to her back and she wouldn't be in this constant pain.

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