My cousin is 22, single, and got pregnant in August. She didn't try. She even confided in me that she didn't want this baby at all! I just don't understand how can someone whine and complain about being pregnant to someone who lost a baby she tried a year to conceive? Some people are so insensitive. Seeing her now being 5 almost 6 months pregnant with a little girl, is absolute torture! She's on Facebook every day about how she cant go to the bar, she can't go on vacation, blah blah blah! Seeing her u/s pics and her belly pics makes me want to delete my Facebook account!
I can't be the only one to feel this way can I?
I totally understand feeling jealous of those younger getting pregnant so quickly, especially when they weren't trying and worse yet, are actually complaining about the sacrifices they're making

I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt you, she probably wasn't thinking when she complained to you about being pregnant and how it's such a horrible experience for her. To be honest, she doesn't sound like she'll be a very good mother if she isn't willing to make sacrifices at this stage because she'll be sacrificing until that child is grown and living on their own. The easier things come to people,
generally, the less they appreciate it
I'd try blocking her FB updates, I've heard you can do that. Maybe next time she complains personally to you, tell her how hurtful you find it since you suffered a miscarriage after having actually
tried for a year to conceive and don't want to hear her complaining about what you see as a blessing and something she should be grateful for because so many women have problems conceiving and would
love to be in her shoes, yourself included. The young, especially if they've been spoiled in life and had it easy, have less understanding of other's struggles and problems. Tell her that she needs to get use to sacrifices because she'll be sacrificing herself to certain extent when she has that baby until her daughter is all grown up and living on her own. If she gets angry, let her. She sounds like she needs a wake up to the real world and learn how to think of other people before her own selfish needs.