You definitely aren't using a good detergent, or enough! Do you use just 1Tbs of anything to launder your shirts and pants? If not, why not? Because that's not enough to clean shirts and pants - much less urine and feces!!!
Bottom line is, if your diapers were actually getting clean, you'd never have to battle ammonia or the nasty burns that accompany it.
I initially bought the tale that only "cloth diaper safe" "detergents" should be used - tooth, line and sinker. I was so grateful when someone finally clued me in - and then I was TICKED! That "specialty" junk is expensive, and it totally doesn't work!
When urine hits ammonia build up, it activates it and that's where your pumpkin's bum burns and night time troubles are coming from.
My very best advice is that you join the fb group Fluff Love and CD Science. They are a massive conglomerate of moms and dad's who have learned the truth and are now in the business of helping others sort out where and why their wash routines have gone wrong. Once your request is approved you can ask for specific advice that'll guide you to solving your problem. They have files to reference if you're initially shy, but there are so many that can help you pinpoint exactly what's up. No one will pick on you, but beware, NO ONE there backs RnG or any similar gimmicky marketed "cd safe" boosters. You'll hear about how very common your issues are (particularly the ammonia burns
) and it'll definitely set some off on the rant about how unethical those corporations are.
My guess is that you're going to be advised to do a thorough RLR/bleach strip/soak. I'm not sure what your process was before, but here is what's recommended in regards to an RLR strip:
That should be followed by a thorough bleach soak:
After both, you'll need to follow up by a HOT water rinse and HOT wash (with DETERGENT - not crummy RnG booster). If you want to avoid dyes and perfumes you can certainly choose a Free and Clear formula, but it has to be a detergent.
If you continue a solid wash routine with a good detergent, save for running into something like yeast in the future, you shouldn't need to strip/bleach again