It has cost us 4,500 euros for antenatal care, but my health insurance will cover the delivery/hospital (so, if we were paying all of it, about 9,000 euros in total), and we have been able to pay the consultant ob/gyn her monies in installments -- she is a private consultant at a public maternity hospital here, and we have top-notch treatment.
There is also a medical expenses form that the Irish government will give us back 20% of our overall expenses (but it's against your taxes -- my OH has a decent salary, so has paid enough in taxes to be able to claim the refund), so we are only paying about 3,000 euros at the end of the day (my insurance will pay 400 towards the consultant care/delivery covered)....look into whether the UK government does the same re: medical expenses....incidentially, we're not rich but we had saved enough money for two tries of IVF at the Lister in London when I got pregnant naturally....
Another option is to pay for your additional private u/s in addition to public care -- that way, you could have the benefits of more regular scans but without the high cost?
I really hope you get an early scan (even at 8-9wks) just to reassure yourself, but it is fantastic when you get to see an actual baby....
best wishes