Hi Jenny Bean,
I started posting on BnB about 5 years ago, while I was pregnant with my youngest, thinking I was happily married to my best friend of ~10 years.
He effectively abandoned me while I was pregnant. I later learned he was a cheating piece of dog crap.
I was fortunate in the divorce in that we were very poor with few assets, so we both just wanted the divorce over with as fast as possible. Plus I told him I would file for at-fault divorce for adultery and depose his mistress if he didn't give me everything I wanted, so he did. (His mistress dumped him before the divorce was final, so his sacrifice was for nothing.)
The salvation of my sanity has been "no contact." For years I have been extremely firm with him that his problems are not my problems, that he fired me from caring about his problems when he cheated. That if he isn't contacting me to discuss visitation or child support, he shouldn't be contacting me at all.
My husband was also verbally abusive and told me I was "disgusting" and "repulsive" and that I "make [him] miserable." He held up my then-9-month-old son when I was drowning in postpartum depression and said, "Do you see this here? THIS is the only reason I have anything to do with you." I cut myself off from him to shut that s*** down. He doesn't even try it anymore.
XH has gradually become less and less involved in the children's lives. For the first time in 3+ years, he paid only a fraction of the full child support amount in March and nothing at all in April. Last week he announced to me that he's moving out-of-state to Indianapolis on May 15th. I say good riddance (and his older daughter wants nothing to do with him, either).
He refuses to tell me where he'll be working or living because he thinks he can dodge child support enforcement. I've already got a good idea of where he'll be working and have opened a ticket with child support services. Wish I could see the look on his face when his new boss pulls him aside to let him know they've received a garnishment order!
Anyhow, things do get better. Hang in there.