Thanks ladies, I don't think Connor has RSS but just wondered what a geneticist referral entailed.
Anyway Connor was noticed to be on the lower growth centile at the 20 week scan, we were followed up with growth scans every 2 weeks and he continued on his curve. Towards the end of the pregnancy I was having doppler studies too which were always fine as was the fluid levels. I never had blood pressure issues either. About 30 weeks his abdominal circum really slowed down and his head circum continued growing. At 34 weeks his head growth and slowed and abdomen growth had stopped so I had steroid injections 'just in case' I started to worry a that point, this was the first time iugr had been mentioned although I had come across it earlier when googling for SGA. The aim to was to get to 36 weeks but no later, but my waters started leaking at 34+4. I was monitored to see if I went into labour, although the original plan was to have an elective section due to risks for Connor. I never went into labour and at 34+6 I was offered induction or section. I went for a section as my main worry was fetal distress as he'd had a few heart dips on the ctg when being monitored but I would be attempting a vbac and I didn't know if I would manage it anyway.
He came out screaming and had APGARS of 9 + 10. I was allowed to see him for a few minutes before he went to NNU, he didn't need any oxygen so they weren't concerned about rushing him there. After recovery I was wheeled to see him. He was in an incubator but i air, he had a long line in and a pulse ox monitor but nothing else, although he had a NG tube later.
He did really well and had his 1st bf on day 3 and from then he has been bf. He moved into the nursery on about day 4 or 5. He was in a heated cot for for a few weeks and needed to reach 4lbs but as he was doing so well he was allowed home at 3lb 10.
He has continued to feed well and now weighs nearly 9lb. He was born on 27.8.09.