Any mummies with no breast milk


Dec 19, 2016
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Hi ladies

Not sure if it's the right place to post. Any mummies here with no breast milk (not little but none)?

It's my 3rd day post emergency c-section and I've zero colostrum, zero supply. Wondering if there's something wrong with my body.

Thank you
I'm not too sure if I am able to give you the answers you want but I planned to breastfeed DS1. I ended up with an emergency section and then a pushy midwife on the ward who kept throwing this baby at my breast every hour on the hour rather than letting him and I figure it out in a calm and relaxed environment. Day 2 he just screamed constantly and I sent hubby out for a tin of formula and bottles. I had by this point, had enough as I hadn't slept in over 4 days and I just KNEW he was hungry and not getting anything from me. Boy did I hear about it! I was made to feel like I failed. I'm pretty mouthy and say what's on my mind so I told her what I thought and left 5 days later. I made a formal complaint. Determined to feed, I came home and expressed. My midwife told me to offer the breast first to try and increase supply then to top up with formula if he still needed it. In the first 3 weeks of him being home, I only ever got a full 250ml of breast milk and that took me all damn day! He was formula feed exclusively from that point on - I had too and my midwife made sure that she supported me. I had the same ward midwife with DS2 and told her if she wan't going to support me and let me and my baby sort out feeding ourselves then she should bugger off while I was still polite about it and guess what, she gave us our space. So needless to say, after DS3 she didn't push the issue and she was extremely supportive. If you are struggling to feed, trust your gut. Don't let anyone tell you what is and isn't right. This is your baby and your baby is dependent on you making the call you need to make. :) <3
My experience was a bit different as I went into it happily choosing to formula feed from the start. I can say you have nothing to worry about. Just make the formula and get on with things. Don't waste this time stressing over something you have no control over.

There are some fantastic benefits to ff. No pain. No worries of mastitis or anything like that. No stress of wondering if baby is getting enough. Baby can (usually) eat more and sleep better. It's often easier for baby to eat from the bottle versus the breast. I just made up the bottle and cuddled with my son. It was lovely! And my husband could feed him, too, which meant a lot to him, also. We were able to share the first year of our son's life in a way that we wouldn't have been able to if it had been all on me.

For what it's worth, my son *knock on wood* is now a healthy, sweet as pie two-year old.

Congrats on your baby!
If you are happy to fF then don't stress about what others think. However zero colostrum may indicate some retained placenta tissue which can cause you problems. Because it is the absence of the placenta which stimulates milk production, getting no milk CAN (but not always) mean retained placenta - it is also slightly more likely in a C-section I believe.

Have you told your concerns to your nurse/doctor?
This post comes late , but you may have Insufficient glandular tissue (IGT). This is what i had. (yes i know low supply can be from a c-section, a bad latch, medication etc. but I wanted to share that this condition exists).
My grandmother had told me as a child that women in her family didn't produce milk, or produced very little so when mine didn't come in (very VERY little, like drips) i knew something was wrong and it wasn't that i wasn't pumping enough or my c-section. We started supplementing quickly but i kept trying to breastfeed.
I was lucky to hear of a breastfeeding doctor through our tongue tie doctor, one of like 20 in the country, that happened to be in my city. She helped me come to terms with the best i would have is a low supply and prescribed medication that actually helped me grow tissue. I successfully breastfed for 9 months- of course with supplement. I'm now expecting my second baby and am already prepping for a similar experience under her care.
Signs that you may have this condition are uneven breasts, Poly-cystic ovarian syndrome, underdeveloped breasts, and family history. These aren't the only ones (see google and a good doctor/lactation specialist). Basically, for some reason during puberty your tissue didn't developed the way it should have and you don't have developed milk glands capable of producing milk. I think if this was more talked about women with this condition would feel more comfortable and less attacked about their feeding plan.

Hope this helps someone.
I have IGT. I produced less than half an ounce from each breast.. It was very hard for me to cope with not BF but once I accepted it and saw my son was thriving it was really a blessing. I plan to FF from the start and I just hope this baby does as well as DS did on formula.

This is something completely outside of your control and I think should be supported and talked about a bit more. Some women simply cannot BF and there is nothing wrong with that. A fed baby is all that matters.
Hi ladies

Not sure if it's the right place to post. Any mummies here with no breast milk (not little but none)?

It's my 3rd day post emergency c-section and I've zero colostrum, zero supply. Wondering if there's something wrong with my body.

Thank you

Also day three might still be too early for you to have your milk proper come in. My colostrum only came in the tiniest amounts and as I got more and more stressed it got less and less, as stress hormones can inhibit the breasts from letting the milk/colostrum come down in to the ducts.
Don't feel bad please. I had some milk, as in to direct feed, pumping was a fool's errand. Two months after my daughter was born we learned my milk was pretty much fat free skim variety. My daughter slept for the first time for more than 40 minutes and took a pacifier the day we started formula. I never looked back.
I had this with my first. I never knew why, I never had the tender breasts etc in pregnancy. This time round I knew I was definitely going to ff and weirdly 5 days after labour my breasts went hard and my milk came in. I had a csection. I have decided to carry on formula feeding as dd flourished on it x
Very similar experience with my first. I planned on attempting breast feeding with my daughter however it wasn't meant to be for us. I tried to feed her numerous times in the hospital but she just ended up screaming the place down. After being awake for 48hrsand absolutely knackered I gave her a bottle until I got home and tried again.

Again she had a latch but constantly cried, so I changed to formula and bought a pump to express and give her in a bottle. It took me well over 3hrs to get 10ml - this happened for over a week or so! She was then exclusively formula fed and I wouldn't change it.

I never had sore breasts when pregnant, nor did they grow, if anything they shrank! Afterwards the midwife told me strap my breasts up tight but I didn't need bother as they didn't hurt like I'd heard so many people talk about? I do suffer with PCOS and it's now had me wondering if it played with my supply.

I'm planning on formula feeding this time round. I liked that my family could also bond with my daughter during feeding time and it gave me a break (as selfish as that sounds!) For us the benefits totally outweighed all the stress we endured.
Yes, I don’t produce breast milk. I had our ds with full intentions of bf, but my boobs never got that sore full feeling people talk about and he was born right in his due date. I put him on the nipple and he was frantically sucking away, I knew deep down something wasn’t right but I persevered, then I voiced my concerns to a midwife and she tried hand expressing on me and nothing came out! Then I brought my pump too so had a go and produced nothing! I quickly sent my hubby out for some formula and we havn’t looked back. My baby was instantly satisfied, he is currently a very academic 4.5 yr old and is doing extremely well. The same thing happened when I had his little sister, didn’t produce again although I expected it this time. I came prepared with formula this time and she’s a very bright almost 3 year old. They have both slept amazingly well and have never had any health problems. my only problem was with myself as the mummy guilt kicked in because a part of my body couldn’t do the one thing it was designed to do. Over time I’ve realised that in the end it doesn’t matter,fed is best I’m glad we were born in this day and age and alternatives are available. Xx

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