Anyone asking to be induced early??


Pregnant with #2
Sep 30, 2012
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I’m 33 week now and I am so done and over pregnancy.
I hate every second of it.
But my biggest problem is the pain! I have pelvic and back problems that mean I am in agony constantly. This past week the pain has reached a level I can barely move. My legs hurt, my back, pelvis. I can’t sit, stand or lie down without pain. Physio wanted me in a wheelchair but unfortunately I’m still working (can’t afford not to) and I have a 4 year old so can’t go into one because of practicality. So now I wear two braces and I’m on crutches. I’m absolutely miserable.
I have a consultant appointment in 2 weeks, and I plan to ask for an induction at 37 weeks because I can’t go on any longer with this pain, but I’m not sure how to go about it without sounding like a moaning Minnie, and obviously I need him to agree to it. I’m literally so desperate for this pregnancy to be done with.
Any advice or anything?
Sorry it’s a bit of a rant, I’m just exhausted. I can’t even sleep at night 😭😭
Sorry you are having a rough time. It sounds really hard. Bear in mind an early induction does have a high chance of ending in a CS which means a longer recovery etc. Also sometimes they just fail and means you end up having to wait it out anyway. Of course many inductions also go well. I hope you end up with the best choice for you.
I’m that desperate I think I would even take a CS if offered. I’ve cut my working week down to 2 or 3 days and the others I’m literally sat on the sofa, unable to do anything which sucks because I feel like I’m failing my other daughter :(
I was induced at 38 weeks with a pessary without DD1, and I remember it being a long 29 hour labour. But I just can’t face the idea of going 40 weeks, never mind overdue, because the bigger baby gets the more pain I’m in.
And to top it off the cause of my pelvic issues, is not affecting other joints like my wrists and jaw, so I can’t even eat/chew 😭😭
I’m so done
When you see your consultant, the words you want to use are "Activities of Daily Living." This is usually the basics like eating, dressing, bathing, that lot. And if you're having trouble with things like that, he needs to know. So tell him that the pain has a huge, negative effect on all of your activities of daily living, right down to sleeping and eating.

Tell him you've had to cut back at work and you're on crutches just to make it through a shift because you're not able to stand/walk the whole shift without them. If you find yourself avoiding things like grocery shopping until there is NO food in the house, say it. If it ever brings you to tears, tell him that. Just tell him every possible way the pain is making your life nearly impossible and that you feel that is in the best interest of you and your family if you are induced before your due date. Tell him you'll do whatever you need to do to prepare the baby to come early (protein for the baby's growth, steroids for baby's lungs, whatever) but that you really believe that induction is the best thing all around.

He may agree if he sees the pain you're in, so don't feel like you need to hide any of your misery from him.

You might also find yourself bargaining on when - some consultants prefer 38 or 39 weeks - so be ready to compromise if he rejects the 37. 38 is at least earlier than 40!

I've been induced early once at around 38 weeks, due to how dilated I was, how rapid my first labor had been, and an incoming ice storm that might have trapped me at home or sent me into the ditch if I tried to go in, and that was my doctor's idea. It went really well, and she was the biggest of my babies so far! So doctor's are definitely willing to look at induction if there are good reasons. (Bad reasons are things like "I want my baby's birthday to be on X!" "We had a cruise booked for X date, so I want the baby to come early so we can still make it." "My parents are going to be out during X week, so inducing on Y would be great for everyone!" My OB has heard ALL of those. )
I agree with the pp that you definitely need to let your doctor know. If you simply say that you're having pelvic pain, they will blow it off, usually by recommending a belly band and tell you to get on with your life. You NEED to tell him EXACTLY how you feel. Show him this post on your phone/tablet if you are able to and let him read what you wrote to us. Sometimes it comes through better to them if they read it rather than it going in one ear and out the other.

I also wanted to say that I can understand completely how you feel. I've been dealing with horrible SPD, lower back pain and just recently pelvic pressure (which I'm secretly hoping is baby engaging) because I can't deal with this pain. I can't sleep from it and I'm having a hard time caring for my other children. I feel like a crap mum right now. I got to that point in my last pregnancy and tbh I drank raspberry leaf tea to hopefully induce my labour. I'm not really sure if it was the tea or not but I did end up going into labour within a couple weeks of drinking it. I wouldn't recommend that right now but when you hit 36/37 weeks it would definitely be worth a try.
Thank you Chellesama and lilmisscaviar.
I'm definitely going to be very honest with my consultant. I'm so miserable. I ordered the food shopping to be delivered because I just couldn't face going to the store and carrying it up the two flights of stairs to my flat, and I was in so much pain, when the delivery guy dropped it all at the front door I broke down in tears and had to get my 4 year old to carry it into the kitchen for me. Bless her she's so helpful, but I just think she shouldn't have to do that for me. My home is usually sparkling clean, but the standard has slipped so bad, it's lucky if I can get it tidy at the end of the day.
The physio is writing a report to send to my consultant because even she was surprised at how bad my pelvis is, so I'm hoping that will also go in my favour.
Fingers crossed it's not much longer. I know my consultant has said before that there's not much point in baby being inside after 37 weeks because they're at full term, so I'm hoping he'll still have that attitude when I go to see him!
I don’t know if the chiropractor is a thing where you’re located but mine as done wonders for this pregnancy. I was in so much pain especially my hips and leggings and the treatments have been amazing. Sometimes I forget I’m carrying twins. It’s definitely made it more manageable.
Mel28nicole unfortunately, it hasn’t helped me :( I have another appointment next week but my last appointment left me feeling worse the next day :( I’m beginning to feel like there’s just no hope 😩
Have you tried icing the areas your chiropractor worked on? Ice helps me tremendously. Also, I was induced with both previous children at 38 weeks. Both times, labor went well and both were delivered without any complications. If I’d went full term both babies would’ve been 10lbs or more.
I asked to have my c-section before 39 weeks because of the SPD and I also have arthritis in my hips and knees. At the time she said the earliest she could do was 38 weeks so she scheduled it for 38+2, I then developed Pre-eclampsia again, so they moved it to 37.
That sounds awful i hope they listen to you.
Im being induced at 38 weeks and cant wait.
Ive been induced at 38 weeks on all of mine this being the 4th. Roll on xx
In my area unless the baby is in distress or not growing they wont induce before due date unless you opt for a cection which in my area normally 37-38 weeks but recovery time is worst for some but im going to ask for a sweep from my 37 week as i kno some will agree to do a sweep but they wont induce because they can only let you go a certain time till they cection you if your baby isnt ready when they start induction they wont come but a sweep is perfectly harmless and will work miricles if your ready xx
I was induced with DD1 at 38 weeks because of SPD 5 years ago, but it wasn't half this bad. I think even if they said they wouldn't do it until then, I'd still take it. 38 sounds a lot better than a potential 42 weeks.
Being induced with DD1 wasn't a horrific experience as such - it was a 29 hour active labour, but she came out with a only a few pushes, was a good size and I recovered quickly. I'm hoping I'll have a similar experience this time.
Will find out on Thursday, hopefully!
Sorry you're having a hard time. Pregnancy IS rough. (This is my 4th).

But don't get your hopes up because most reputable doctors will NOT induce early unless there is a medical reason concerning the baby.
I spoke to my consultant. And because I have an irritable uterus and getting contractions all the time, and the severe SPD, she’s agreed to bring baby early - my heart rate is spiking upto 120 at rest because of the pain when contracting or when the baby moves so it’s in our best interests. I have a scan next Thursday to see if she’s still breech (36+6) and if she is, I’ll have a Csection scheduled for the following week. If she’s not; I’ll be booked for induction the same week. X

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