Anyone else clomid cycle 1?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
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Hi Ladies,

Is anyone else clomid cycle one? I am looking for clomid cycle buddies! I am on my 3rd day of clomid.

A bit about me: 31 DH 26
TTC over 2 years

HSG clear, retroverted uterus, adenomyosis and borderline progesterone.
sperm analysis count good 60 million motility 43% (has to be above 40%)
Hysterscopy to remove polyp but no polyp found

Jan 2014- 6 months of clomid and on the IVF waiting list

Really hoping clomid works as im having horrible side effects!!
Hey. I hope you're well. I saw that you have adenomyosis. How did you know you had that? What are your symptoms? Do your fertility doctors relate your pregnancy struggles to adenomyosis? Thanks!
I'm starting clomid this cycle, too. AF is just about to show...I'll start it on CD4.
I just finished my first round of Clomid 50 mg (days 5-9) this past Sunday (1/19). I'm currently on CD13 (almost cd14). Just waiting to O :coffee: OPKs are still pretty light.

I'm 32. DH is 33. We've been TTC since March 2012 with 2 losses. I O on my own (usually on cd 19). We're hoping the Clomid will give me a stronger O.

Good luck, ladies! I'd love to chat through this cycle. I was pretty nervous about starting Clomid. I know it's not that big of a deal, but it's my first intervention in this TTC process.
hey ladies, im a little later in my cycle, CD14 today (just got a positive opk woot woot!!) and this is my second clomid cycle. Im 27 and hubby is 31. been ttc for 8 months, but had blood work done at month 6 found my progesterone was low (got bw done early bc i KNEW something was wrong and was very insistent) so they started me on 50mg of clomid last month. I did ovulate on it, but no pregnancy. I stayed on 50mg again this month. Last month had some nasty side effects the second half of my cycle. Starting at ovulation i had bad ovulation pains, which i had never had before. Then i had sore boobs, and mild nausea until af came (pretty mean bc those are pregnancy symptoms too!).
Would love to have some buddies through the rest of this cycle (and next if this cycle doesnt work). Hope clomid treats you all well, no nasty side effects and bfp the first month!
Hi girls. I'm CD 13 and still no positive opk. I'm paying to have a scan privately tomorrow to see what the follies are like etc so Hopefully that goes well! I have been very naseaus on and off this first cycle. Not wanting to eat during the day, a bit drowsy too. The tablets really have has an effect on me!
I just started Clomid yesterday. I'm nervous about what the side-effects will be.]
I got my positive OPK today at 17 DPO. I hope it's negative again tomorrow. I usually O at 18-19DPO, so Clomid didn't make it any earlier (like I had hoped).

madtown, I was very worried about side effects too. I've had some headaches, exhaustion, and achy cramp feelings, but nothing too severe. Try not to worry. You may not have any.
How is everyone feeling?

I'm off work sick feeling very run down, flu like. Not sure if it is hormones, clomid or stress! I woke up the other day with 5 cold sores!

I got a nearly positive on an opk CD 17. Got a scan cd14 which showed 19mm and a 14mm and some smaller follies. It was worth the money for peace of mind!
I'm sorry you're sick, candle floss. FX you caught an egg!

I'm six and a half DPO. I feel fine. The uncomfortable bloating is finally gone. Now I just have regular, less severe AF-like bloating. I plan to test on Sunday if AF doesn't show (my LPs are only 11 days so AF is expected to arrive before then).
Glad ur feeling better lionchild. Bloating is one thing I havnt had! I have a shorter luteal phase too but I read the clomid is meant to help sort that but maybe not! Hope u get a bfp!!
Hey Ladies, would love to join.
AF arrived tonight so will be starting my first round of Clomid on Friday. My doctor wants me to take it CD2-6 (50mg), but since I started my period so late tonight im going to count tomorrow as CD1.
me 26 hubby 27 been trying to conceive for 31 months (9 cycles)(PCOS)
Im nervous as I don't know what to expect for side effects. Would love to hear all your experiences and symptoms from Clomid. Hope this cycle leads us all to our BFP!!! :dust:
Welcome kiwilove!

Today u have had some brown cm so I don't know if it is implantation or af on the way as I do get that quite often for a couple of days beforehand. I did have a 26 day cycle a couple of months ago but usually 28 29 so this blood wud be too early but I'm hopeful!
I didn't ovulate until after cd14 and I thought clomid kept a good luteal phase length so I'm confused if af starts very soon.

Burst in to tears in work because someone asked me if I was ok.

I think I'm loosing the plot!:wacko:
Candle, I am in the same place as you. I had brown spotting with some light cramps today. I have had cramping for a couple of days now. I'm afraid AF is on her way, but I'm hoping I'm wrong and it's IB.

Lots of baby dust to you!! Maybe we'll both get surprised with BFP in a few days!
I hope you are not like me lion. Fingers crossed!

AF arrived today, earliest ever and as I didnt ovulate until at least cd 15 my luteal phase has been shortened even more and it would have been impossible for me to get pregnant.

I have not had an easy time with this drug and I have been very sick so to learn it has actually virtually made it impossible to get pregnant has left me raging!

Don't know what the heck Im meant to do now!:cry::dohh:
Oh no, cf! I'm so sorry AF arrived! Let yourself be upset and cry for a couple of days. Treat yourself to a new outfit, a pedicure, massage, or whatever makes you happy. I also find that wine helps (if you drink). :hugs::hugs::hugs:

How long was your LP exactly? I recommend calling your doctor and asking for some progesterone if you're taking another cycle of it. That will give you a longer LP and more time to implant.

My LPs are only 11 days, but I've gotten pregnant twice with them (ended in MC), but not due to progesterone/LP issue. Surprisingly, my progesterone was good both times. I think I got lucky with early implantation. It is so frustrating thinking that you might have conceived but that it didn't have time to implant. I understand completely.

AFM, AF hasn't shown yet. She is due today. There has been no more cramping or spotting, so we'll see what happens. DH and I have our first appointment with an RE on the 19th if no BFP this cycle.
Fingers crossed it is a sticky bean for you this time. Mc must be so upsetting esp when ttc for a long time.

From what I have read 13 plus is the ideal luteal phase.

Mine is normally about 12 but this month it was 9 days at the most! I will find out if I ovulated on Wednesday and I will ask about progesterone.

I was in a car accident this week on a day when implantation could have happened so although it was not severe I wonder if the stress of that brought on an early af.

A massive jeep reversed into us in the hopsital when I was on my way for the blood test. I was so angry because if been getting twinges and shooting pains in my uterus that day and I thought something was happening as soon as the crash happened the feelings stopped.

Shit week really think our car is for the scrap heap too!
Ugh, I'm sorry about the accident. That sucks! I don't know about stress inducing an early AF. You should ask your doctor about that too. Let me know what happens at your appointment on Wednesday.

AF arrived last night. I had an 11 day LP as usual. I'm headed to the RE for my initial consult on the 19th and DH has a SA scheduled for the same day. I'm not doing Clomid this cycle. I'm waiting to see what RE recommends.
Hi! The hubby and I have been TTC for a little over 2 years now, but i wasn't ovulating bc of PCOS. Long story short, started Progesterone, followed with Clomid and finished 2/7. Starting with an OPK tomorrow. Praying for Baby sprinkles!!!!!

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