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Anyone else paranoid ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2010
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... That it will take a long time/wont be able to conceive/carry to full term?

I'm in the first month of ntnp and already starting to worry about this and have negative thoughts.

I have been on the pill 9 years, apart from a short break (and chemical pregnancy), came off at the beginning of this month. Really can't believe I've spent so much time avoiding pregnancy, hoping it wouldn't happen, worrying when my period never came, and now the complete opposite!

Is it just me?

I can completly agree with what you have said! I try not to think about it to much otherwise i will drive myself mad! My main worry i not being able to carry to full term! XX
Your not on your own hun. All normal worries of ttc or ntnp. But try not to think about it too much. When the time is right, it will happen.
Thanks girls, I'm not very successful at trying not to think about it as hubby is always asking me if we are pregnant! Glad it's not just me though, we're all in it together.

The men are sometimes worse than us women lol. No your not on your own, we all share all sorts of feelings and fears.
The men are sometimes worse than us women lol. No your not on your own, we all share all sorts of feelings and fears.

Yes they are. Sometimes it makes the disappointments a little harder. But on the brightside, it's nice to have a man who's just as excited as you are! :)
Yes it is good to have your oh just as excited. Hopefully he will be a big support for you all the way through. Hope you catch that egg soon.
Raspberry I am so glad u said all that! Ive been on the pill for 10 years and NTNP for a little over a month and feeling the same way! Especially since my cycles are so irregular. I havent had an AF since 7/24 and had two (well ok 3, but two were from the same urine!) BFN last week. I wonder how I will ever know if I am OV and be able to time things right, and am I do irregular because I am just meant not to conceive?? I think I am just anxious and obessessive right now. Seems like it calms down after a few months from what everyone says! Good luck!
It is good that the Mr is excited, frustrating that he can't grasp that things take time though, he thinks it happens the first day you stop the pill!!!!!

Darling me - I think the pill makes most people periods a bit weird after, no matter what these "experts" say, we all know our bodies better than those silly male medical types who put the side effects of being on and coming off the pill to female hysteria!

The reason I'm in ntnp is because we are trying to avoid "timing it right", making love when we feel like it and hopefully at the same time make a baby. Also I read on the NHS website that they don't recommend timing ovulation , but to have unprotected sex every two to three days.

My ovulation signs were however too obvious for me to miss but my husband wasn't here to I am sure we have missed our chance this month, even so it has not stopped me 1. symptom spotting, 2. wanting so badly to poas!

Hopefully when our bodies calm down and get into a regular routine, then so will we!

Good luck ladies!

My main concern is that I have no idea what my natural cycle will be like! I've been on the pill for the best part of 8 years, and only came off last week. My periods were horrible before I started using the pill; unpredictable, painful and eight days long! I really hope I don't have that to look forward to again. But at the same time, I'm worried that I could easily miss a period and then get the BFN, simply because my cycle hasn't settled down.
Tatto, exactly the same here as the reason I went on the pill was to get them under control, I am hoping a few years along that my hormones will have settled down but as they have always been controlled by the pill I worry they wont know what to do!
RaspberryK, have you had any/much pain since stopping the pill? I've had splitting headaches (just like I get shortly before menstruating), and pain in my lower torso. This might be TMI, but I was woken up in the middle of the night last night by really sore pain in my bum! How did that happen???
I'v had headaches, spots and almost constant period type cramps. I've not had bum pain although I think I know what you mean - lol , could be wind? like when you get a stabbing pain in lungs/chest area and it hurts to breath deeply?

Hi RaspberryK and Tattoo - I'm on my second cycle after coming off BCP and I too had some really weird "changes" in the first few weeks: really sore nipples, feeling bloated and the weirdest one: hair getting greasier more quickly ... :shrug: I was on the pill for 9 years as well, so certainly share your concerns re: cycle length, fertility etc. I do try not to beat myself up over it even though it's easier said than done :cry:
I think we just have to accept that "anything goes" when coming off the pill as we all seem to get lots of different ailments, not easy when you're pregnancy symptom spotting is it? I think a few cycles in and I should know what to expect.

^Yeah, I think you're right. We've got to get to know our bodies all over again!
On the plus side, my sex drive has increased! I feel 17 again, and my husband can't believe his luck!

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