anyone else super grumpy?


TTC #4
Dec 8, 2012
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I've been in absolutely foul mood since yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday I put my mood down to being really tired. At let dh was a good sport about it all through evening.

I slept well last night and an feeling well rested, but I'm still this horrible grouch. Everything is irritating and I'm getting mad over the dumbest things (like my mom for opening the "wrong" milk).

I hate being like this.

Anyone else?
I'm like that too. Combination of hormones and being tired of being pregnant I guess :)
Me! Anything irritates me, down to the sprinkles on my crispy bun not how I want them!!!
Me! Anything irritates me, down to the sprinkles on my crispy bun not how I want them!!!

:laugh2: the little things that set us off!

I told my mom that I'm really grumpy and I dint know why. I'm fortunate enough that she understands even though I snapped at her over milk earlier.

Then we were on out way to MIL's do DD's birthday party. DH asked why I was so grumpy. Mom explained. He was trying to be nice, but also kind of egging me on playfully, and I just started bawling :blush: over nothing.

Of course he's asking why in crying (he thought it was because we forgot the milk - damn milk). Mom assured him it was over nothing.

So now we're at MIL's and I'm trying not to cry the whole time. Over nothing.
Meeeee!! I've been so tired and grumpy since yest. Was also feeling very down in my mood yest.
I feel for you all, it's an awful feeling isn't it? My DH would ask me if there's anything he can do and makes me worse too, then I just start blubbering for no reason.
I'm a trained dog groomer, but not my profession....Yet. my sister wants her dog groomed and text me this morning asking if still ok. I think I replied, at your peril, he would be a hanging risk if he didn't behave! I am never like this but I have zero tolerance. I hope you feel better soon x
Can I join the club today?! I am in a super foul mood this morning, for no reason other than I just woke up this way! I feel sorry for my son, he keeps asking why I am angry but I have no reason, this is horrid isn't it ggggrrrr
Yep all the bloody time must be getting on everyone's nerves lol just tired and feel huge and I'm so done with being pregnant I have no patience at all with anyone lol and all I wanna do is sit on my bum lol
Well, the grumpiness has seemed to of passed. Now it's all tears :nope:
Lol so did mine!! I was going to type I can't wait for the baby to arrive and for this to pass but then I remembered last time after my baby was born I got even worse, oh dear...!!
Lol so did mine!! I was going to type I can't wait for the baby to arrive and for this to pass but then I remembered last time after my baby was born I got even worse, oh dear...!!

I'm a little worried about afterwards, myself!

I have a higher risk of PPD just because of having a history of depression. I was really worried with DD, but I think I did relatively okay. I felt great (aside from recovering from a c section) and was surprised I did have crying spells. But 3 weeks in, it all hit and I cried over EVERYTHING.

I'm worried about this one because we have so much going on. It's stressful enough as it is with DH working 2 jobs, me in school, and a 2 year old.
I have been in a bad mood this whole pregnancy. Now I'm just so scary my oh looks frightened to even open his mouth. Poor guy.

Lol, you guys seen the episode of friends when Rachel is overdue? I'm exactly like that but not even overdue yet hehe
YUP the last few days I have been a total grouchy pants. I do not sleep well at night, and am still working part time at my job, and have a 2 year old at home. I chalk it up to hormones an lack of sleep plus all of this physical discomfort. My hubby has been quite understanding and knows when to just back away, or take the toddler out of the house for an hour so I can have a rest! No much longer now - and while I still won't be able to sleep with a newborn, the hormones shall eventually simmer down a bit@ HANG IN THERE
I made DH his favorite dinner tonight for putting up with me lately.

I'm really struggling right now. Today has been about 3/4 anger and 1/4 depressed. I've been in a rage all day and simultaneously being depressed and crying.

I almost melted down in Home Depot over a refrigerator. DH said he can't wait to get this baby out because it's really put me in a bad mood in the last week.

I'm feeling hopeless and discouraged. I'm angry because I feel like my body is broken. I felt like this when DD was born 2 years ago because I had to have a c section and couldn't breastfeed while watching both of my sister in laws have no issues with having a vaginal birth and breastfeeding just fine. I'm tired of always feeling like a failure at everything (I'm only just now back in school at almost 31 - never earned a degree before - they both have degrees).

I feel like they skate by in life while DH and I do nothing but try and just get screwed left and right.

I feel angry because I'm likely to never experience labor. I know that experience shouldn't matter, and that all that matters is baby's health and safety. They can cut me open, no spinal or anesthesia, if it came down to saving his life. If he's healthy, then why can't I just have a TOL? Even if I don't make it to pushing, why can't I just feel real labor contractions or experience my water breaking?

This is what's making me so angry and wanting to cry. Because I just want to experience labor. I want things to start on their own.

On the other hand, I'm almost tempted to schedule a rcs because it's almost like the universe is always saying "eff you" to us, and it might be safer to have a rcs as the universe would probably see to it that I have a uterine rupture requiring a hysterectomy.

Okay, done rambling about how I feel sorry for myself. And being over dramatic.
Oh yes, my poor OH has taken to calling me the grumpy one :/. Feel so fat which I horrible after spending 2 years of working so hard to lose weight :(, which makes me even grumper as I feel guilty about feel like it :(.

I just want a good nights sleep with no cramps or trips to the loo :(.
I'm so sorry you're feeling like that :-(
My emotions have been all over the place the last couple wks, I am super grouchy as well, angry, have no patience for anything. I don't even pretend to be nice to some people. The last few days I've been crying every day (all the rest of this pregnancy I was really good emotion wise but now it's like I've lost it). I am also scared of PND and I am already on anti-depressants :-(

Just found out yesterday I may need a section as my placenta is not moving up. I want to experience labour as well, and really hope I can one day (if not for this one) - at the end of the day all I want is a healthy baby as well but I totally understand wanting to go thru what our bodies are meant to do - labour, breastfeed etc etc

I also feel like everyone is being patronising and smug to me saying things like "you just won't understand this and that til you're a mother" etc, it drives me nuts, but DH says I am just being over-sensitive and they are well meaning. I feel like I'm in a good mood until I leave the house and have to deal with people!
Aaaah rant over.
I'm not really grumpy, but definitely upset/annoyed easily

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