anyone elses children experience these things


Mum to Blake and Eevie
Jan 18, 2013
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hi all my sons in the process for being diagnosed for adhd and verbal dyspraxia but we have autism in the family too. this is a list of bulletpoints about my son for the hospital appointment and was wondering if anyone elses children could relate to this and if anyone had any insight as to what these could be part of so i can look into the methods to help him

1. Interrups when people talk
2. Has difficulties sharing
3. Has a temper and can chuck toys, stomp etc when disaplined
4. Cant sit still, jumps, moves even when focusing
5. Poor concentration and quickly moves from one toy to another
6. If knocks drink over etc doesn’t notice hes even done it
7. Poor speech and gets frustrated when you don’t understand
8. Strict routine same everyday
9. Starts off the day badly if routines changed
10. If lots of people come round he gets even more hyper
11. Barks like a dog and when angry makes “claw hands” and roars or hisses
12. Plays toys how shown to
13. Kicked violently in womb
14. Always hitting, biting, smacking everyone in preschool and nearly everyday a incident report
15. Forgets where things hes put areand sometimes cant even see them when theyre right next to him
16. Only plays with people at school if its playing dogs or cats where he pretends to be an animal and doesn’t socialise as much as a normal child would, when at playschool always ran by himself
17. Keeps asking same questions again and again even though the answer has literally been said
18. Takes things literally, teacher told him needed coat so he had to look out the window to check
19. Has never ran normal his legs swing outwards
20. Loves turning on and off lightswitches
21. Licks and put things in mouth, licks top lip every so often
22. Very severly constipated as a baby until 2 years old, started potty training at 2 ½ then regressed and kept having accidents until finally going on toilet at 4 ½
23. Always very loud cannot talk quietly
24. Likes to climb things
25. When shows things or tells you something does it very far away or very close to your face if not answered straight away
26. Wants to do and watch the same things over and over again
27. Says loud noises hurt his ears
28. Spits out food at meal times
29. Always waving toys around making sounds pretending power rangers

sorry theyre a but vaigue and sometimes might not make as much sense but im just trying to look for some ideas of his disabilities (i know he is behind and no hating here just a mummy looking for some help and reassurance)
My son is similar.

He becomes very violent and self harming
Has difficulties staying still and concentrating (also has no patience)
He continually goes between toys
He has almost constant diarrhoea but that's from a condition he has
Won't eat meals just snacks
Has an odd gait when walking and he can't jump
Wants to do/watch/read things over and over
Very poor speech

My son is globally delayed and we're going through tests to possibly diagnose a genetic condition.
thankyou hun its nice to know that im not alone in this and other people have experience in the same things as me, its hard down my end as no-one round my area really understand what its like looking after my son everyday and so many people are judgemental down here because they think hes a "naughty, undisaplined child" x
He sounds similar to my son and he's autistic. I can agree with loud noises though as I'm not a big fan of them myself due to also being on the spectrum and that is my biggest pet hate, other peoples tellies. Its like the world is deaf besides me! But until you get a diagnoses of what is wrong, they can't help. I'm surprised they aren't checking for autism first since you already mentioned its in the family and it can be genetic. Also ADHD and autism are very similar and he may have both, so if you also think it is autism you should shout out as many children with aspergers originally get diagnosed with ADHD and its not at all, so the treatment doesn't work.
About half of those bullet points would fit my son and he has autism (as well as global delay and OCD). Hope your hospital appointment goes well:hugs:
thanks girls, ive had such a struggle getting him referred for adhd as it is because they dont like to diagnose where i am under 6 but i had to keep pushing. the receptionist when i rang took 30mins of battling when i asked to find out if his referral had been accepted because they dont like to diagnose under 6 unless other problems so i had to explain the verbal dyspraxia too before she would even look at his records. his appointment is on the 26th so will update afterwards x
My son is going through diagnosis for autism and ADHD, he is already on the ASD pathway and displays most of what your son does. Most of your points point towards ADHD, there is a big overlap and ASD and ADHD sometimes, ADHD can also display with sensory issues, which is what its sounds like your son does. However you son does seem to display some issues in all areas of the triad of autism.

How old is he?

When my son was younger people noticed the ADHD more,where as now, although that still obvious, the ASD is more noticeable, his routines are rigid and he has things he has to do, he will not play with other children, or lashes out and says they are too noisy, he speech is noticeably different from those his won age, he drops is first letters, he repeat stuff, he cannot answer questions or give a story, he has never been able to describe his school day for example, he doesn't play or do imaginative things, he is obsessed about certain things, he has no concept of the world around him and runs into the road even though he can tell you roads are dangerous.

I've found my sons sensory issues have got significantly worse recently too.

Glad your son is getting assessed, hope you get answers soon x
He also sounds very much like my son who is now 10. He has been diagnosed with Aspergers and ADHD. Honestly, pointers on your list sound to me more on the autistic side of things, but that is just my opinion and in comparison to my son. As said, there is a huge similarity between the two conditions and can be hard to distinguish between the two, they are often co-morbid as with my son, or so I am told (I still believe he doesn't have ADHD and it's all part of the Aspergers) so it could be both.
I'd push for an assessment for autism, the older my son has got, the more it is very clear he struggles so much more with the Autism than ADHD and I feel so much time was wasted on ADHD when he could have been having all the help he now gets with his Autism. I dont think they should diagnose ADHD without an Autism assessment either, my son was diagnosed with ADHD at 7 and Aspergers 'officially' at 9. FAR too late IMO considering the earlier the help the better outcome.

My 4 year old is waiting to see CAMHS. He too sounds like your son, he outwardly looks like he has severe ADHD but with me being aware of the subtle signs of Autism easily missed, I am demanding for him to be put on the list for ASD assessment. I will eat my hat if he hasn't got High functioning Autism.

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