My Jasmine is 12 weeks on Friday and I think she's beginning to teeth. She's drooling more now than ever, she's always gumming her arms, she tries to stick her fist in her mouth and she's been crying hysterically. My poor baby
The only thing that has ever worked for my two (both early teethers) was a Brush Baby silicone toothbrush with Dentinox gel on and put in the fridge. It's the only thing soft enough and small enough for their mouths at that point. Otherwise, Calpol and just letting them chew something soft. We never got on with Sophie the Giraffe but lots do!
I put an amber anklet on my lo when he started teething and he has not been bothered by his teeth coming in at all however because i used it from the start i don't know what he would have been like if he hadn't had it. I have seen as many people say it didn't work for their lo as say it did but i think its worth a try!
I've used an amber necklace in the past and think that works but it's not for everyone. My two didn't/ don't get teething trouble very often, I tend to try one of the powders like Ashton and parsons first, then if they're not settling I will give calpol. They often get it at night and I don't want them to be in pain all night not sleeping.
I tried everything for my little one, teething rings, Bonjela, dentinox, cold cloths, gummy gloves, putting her dummy in the freezer but nothing worked or it would only work for a little while. Then I discovered Anbesol teething liquid. I swear by it, I found the gel not that good but the liquid is ace. I tried it once in a mouth ulcer I had, it was numb for about 4 hours my baby always settles with in minutes of me rubbing it on her gums. And when it was really bad (just as they were cutting through) if give her Nurofen cause calpol never touched it.
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