Ok thanks - different countries have different scales that's all so, i wanted to check the 14.4 wasn't on the US scale.
Well, usually fsh etc are done on CD3 but i guess your GP was trying to see if you've ovulated and if not the other results might indicate where you are in your cycle.
The CD21 test is best done mid luteal phase so 7dpo.....but if you don't know when you ovulate then obviously you have to just guess a little
I would interpret your results as yes you've ovulated but given that your result for CD21 is a touch low (it should peak at over 30 ideally at 7dpo) i would say you probably omnly ovulated 2 or 3 days earlier and had not yet peaked.
I don't think you can use those results to tell you much more than that tbh, if estradiol,fsh,lh were done on day 2-5 you could and if you were confident your progesterone were tested at 7dpo the result might tell you more......as it is it just says you've ovulated, possibly just a few days before.
I would expect your Dr will want you to track O so you can have the test at 7dpo.......some (UK admittedly maybe the irish are better) GP's are frighteningly ignorant and would tell you your result was poor because they insist everyone must ovulate on day 14.....don't let them tell you that
If you get a print off of the results don't be too alarmed by the normal ranges....they would typically be for if the lh/fsh/estradio had been tested days 2-5 like i say.